Decathlon 2022 Preparation

I’m in. Can’t wait!

Gaia Project bought. Concordia might have to as well

Ok, it seems there are no more votes coming in for the tie-breaker ballots, and Le Havre and Raiders of the North Sea are still deadlocked. So, I’m going to go ahead and include them both.

I looked at weighting and “newness” of games again, and I am going to suggest the following order for these first 8 games:

Le Havre
Gaia Project
Raiders of the North Sea
Through the Ages
Star Realms
Castles of Burgundy

I will post a new thread for the 2022 Decathlon later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

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I feel like Le Havre and Raiders are different enough. Granted, I haven’t played Le Havre for a couple of years.

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Organizing Le Havre practice games in the Decathlon Practice Arena already! :smile:

I am in it to win it!

Hey everyone - thoughts on switching to 4P tables if we can’t find a 21st player?

I would suggest scoring of 5/3/2/1 in that case.

Doesn’t seem too bad but I can always count on you all to point out flaws in what might be a dumb idea. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I dont mind 4 players, might be interesting!

I know NH isn’t in the decathlon for this year, but in case we’re considering it for game 9 or 10 everyone should be aware that every time they release a patch it breaks existing games…

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Which is really annoying!


Same with Terraforming Mars.

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Thanks for the update - I hate to eliminate great games so we’ll have to discuss/vote whether people are comfortable including Neuroshima Hex or Terraforming Mars for consideration given the risk of having to restart a round (we can hope there won’t be more than one game breaking update in one month, right? Right?! :wink: )

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Hello Decathletes! Now that game 7 is underway, I think it’s time to pick games #9 and #10!

Based on the votes from before, and some recent activity on SP, here are some suggestions for a starting list of games to choose from to round out the 2022 (probably running until 2023 :wink: event…)

Running list
Fort Sumter (1v1)
Labyrinth: The War on Terror (1v1)
Isle of Skye
Yellow & Yangtze
Lords of Waterdeep
Neuroshima Hex (1v1)
Everdell *
Ticket to Ride *

Currently ruled out
Puerto Rico = iPad only, no longer on the App Store
Terraforming Mars = patches break games
Eclipse = no private games
Railroad Ink = async not currently available
Tokaido = no private games (possibly no async)
Jaipur = no private games (possibly no async)

Edit: We’ve been hoping for Dominion and Brass: Birmingham for ages but sadly they seem to be stuck in beta and/or only on Steam.

Please chime in if there’s a game you really want to play but hasn’t been listed yet, or if you know there are issues (or fixes!) for any of the above.

I’ll run a vote or votes during the last week of October… after the “controversy” of categories, I’ll just run a straight vote with a possible run off vote to get us down to 2 games.


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I still have not had a single issue with Everdell after a dozen games.

I think Everdell deserves a spot even though it can certainly mess you up without an undo button.

I like the list I’m general but a couple things stand out:

Puerto Rico is iPad-only and that could be an issue?

Dominion? Where is that playable asynch? I’m missing out on that for sure.

Unmatched could be on the horizon.

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Sorry, my bad - Dominion was mentioned way back and I didn’t fact check. Looks like it’s still in beta and only available in Early Access on Steam. :cry:

Sigh. Good call on Puerto Rico. Not only is it iPad only, it’s not even on the App Store anymore. :roll_eyes:

If only Ravensburger hadn’t taken that one back from me! :wink:

Dominion is still in beta.

I’m ok with NH and like the game a lot; it’s quick enough that a redo won’t set us back too far in the event it patches, as long as everyone agrees to that. So you’re aware @Codington it only supports 1v1 right now.

I vote no go Everdell, mostly cause I don’t think I like it. I certainly don’t understand it.

I’d give Evolution, Root, and Fort Sumter nods as I don’t think they’ve been played in the decathlon before?

And we may want to consider Labyrinth: GWOT which is supposed to release today (and spoiler, is one of my favorite games).

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Root is great but does the asymmetry make it a bad candidate for a tourney?