Decathlon Practice Arena

This game reminds me that it is my #1 game at the top of my “Please update for modern aspect ratios” list.

Yeah, I was remembering as we were going. First I forgot about the 7x7 and need to remember that. Also, I was having a hard time figuring out how to set it up so I could get the patches.

For a simple game, there’s actually a lot going on if you want to dig into it.

Or you can just play it like Tetris… :stuck_out_tongue:

Patchwork is on Board Game Arena right now for people that want to play in a different environment. The implementation is pretty solid!

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If anyone wants to start a practice game for Le Havre in preparation for the 2022 Decathlon, I am happy to play a few games at once… :slight_smile: (“Codington” on Game Center)

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I just went through the tutorial, so sure, I will try this out.

Looks like we need to connect on Game Center still @kennfusion - I’ll send you a DM

Pick me for Le Havre trial match

Throw me in a game if there is still room please. CoachSchlotz

Not sure if there is a space in between or not. Thanks.

Setting up GC connections @Baelnor and @HostileApostle

Sent invites for a 3P Le Havre to @JaneHatke and @kennfusion

Jane, I’m happy to continue our 2P or we can quit that and just play the 3P

Let’s just play the three player.

How do I accept it? Not coming up that I know of…

I sent you a message with my Apple ID so you can add me as a friend.

I definitely need Le Havre practice … happy to join another game.

Still waiting to connect with Baelnor on Game Center.
Started a 3P for @Codington, @HostileApostle, and @geigerm


Ok @Baelnor and I got connected. Anyone else want to join a 3P Le Havre?

Yes, please

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I could use some relearning of it too if there’s a spot anywhere

In the queue! :slight_smile:

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