Decathlon 2022 Preparation

Same with Terraforming Mars.

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Thanks for the update - I hate to eliminate great games so we’ll have to discuss/vote whether people are comfortable including Neuroshima Hex or Terraforming Mars for consideration given the risk of having to restart a round (we can hope there won’t be more than one game breaking update in one month, right? Right?! :wink: )

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Hello Decathletes! Now that game 7 is underway, I think it’s time to pick games #9 and #10!

Based on the votes from before, and some recent activity on SP, here are some suggestions for a starting list of games to choose from to round out the 2022 (probably running until 2023 :wink: event…)

Running list
Fort Sumter (1v1)
Labyrinth: The War on Terror (1v1)
Isle of Skye
Yellow & Yangtze
Lords of Waterdeep
Neuroshima Hex (1v1)
Everdell *
Ticket to Ride *

Currently ruled out
Puerto Rico = iPad only, no longer on the App Store
Terraforming Mars = patches break games
Eclipse = no private games
Railroad Ink = async not currently available
Tokaido = no private games (possibly no async)
Jaipur = no private games (possibly no async)

Edit: We’ve been hoping for Dominion and Brass: Birmingham for ages but sadly they seem to be stuck in beta and/or only on Steam.

Please chime in if there’s a game you really want to play but hasn’t been listed yet, or if you know there are issues (or fixes!) for any of the above.

I’ll run a vote or votes during the last week of October… after the “controversy” of categories, I’ll just run a straight vote with a possible run off vote to get us down to 2 games.


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I still have not had a single issue with Everdell after a dozen games.

I think Everdell deserves a spot even though it can certainly mess you up without an undo button.

I like the list I’m general but a couple things stand out:

Puerto Rico is iPad-only and that could be an issue?

Dominion? Where is that playable asynch? I’m missing out on that for sure.

Unmatched could be on the horizon.

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Sorry, my bad - Dominion was mentioned way back and I didn’t fact check. Looks like it’s still in beta and only available in Early Access on Steam. :cry:

Sigh. Good call on Puerto Rico. Not only is it iPad only, it’s not even on the App Store anymore. :roll_eyes:

If only Ravensburger hadn’t taken that one back from me! :wink:

Dominion is still in beta.

I’m ok with NH and like the game a lot; it’s quick enough that a redo won’t set us back too far in the event it patches, as long as everyone agrees to that. So you’re aware @Codington it only supports 1v1 right now.

I vote no go Everdell, mostly cause I don’t think I like it. I certainly don’t understand it.

I’d give Evolution, Root, and Fort Sumter nods as I don’t think they’ve been played in the decathlon before?

And we may want to consider Labyrinth: GWOT which is supposed to release today (and spoiler, is one of my favorite games).

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Root is great but does the asymmetry make it a bad candidate for a tourney?


Railroad Ink has a note from Horrible Guild on the app store page that says online mode has been temporarily suspended because their provider shut down. Looks like an interesting puzzle game, but that sounds bad.

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@kennfusion are you left handed? :wink:

I’d go for Fort Sumter, Lords of Waterdeep or Viticulture

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No, and I am really perplexed at how any of you are having problems. The little creatures even snaps back to the log if you try to place it in a place that is not an actual spot. It’s too bad, because it is a great game and popular, as it has already made it onto half the KotH lists.

Can we add Ticket to Ride to the list for consideration?


Weird because I can’t imagine how you are not having an issue. :rofl: Even knowing that it’s a problem, I constantly drag a worker around when I’m trying to scroll around and look at the other parts of the game. Only because I pay really close attention am I able to bring my finger back to the worker spot to avoid a move I didn’t intend. And the counter-argument to your “snap back” comment is that if you CAN place a worker, the spot tends to grab it and you can’t undo your action.

Having said all that, I really like the game and I’m fine to include it in the voting list - caveat emptor!

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Wait, why do you drag a worker around until you are ready to place it? You can fully look around the entire board without having a worker in hand. I never pull a critter off the log until I am ready to place it.

The worker accidentally gets picked up while I’m scrolling around.

If you aren’t paying attention, your finger can easily start too close to the worker spot - especially because the “hit box” for the worker extends past the size of the worker (you can start your touch at the edge of the leaves and the worker will be grabbed.)

It is also made worse by the fact that, once you are dragging a worker (intentionally or not) the worker floats quite a distance from your touch point BUT you have to stop dragging with your finger (not the worker) on top of the action spot.

In a game where it is perfectly reasonable to expect players will be “scrolling” around the screen, this is just sloppy UI in my opinion.

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FYI, I’m now thinking maybe we vote on game 9 at the end of October and game 10 in another month or so after that. There are a few board game apps that have been teased or promised for Fall / October / imminent and there was a clear consensus from the group that we would like to play games that are new to the Decathlon. :slight_smile:

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The only problem with this is that some of us would want more time to practice a game. Like from your list above, I only know 4 of those games, so would need to learn games if they were ones I did not know and I am sure I am not alone in that. The more time to learn a game the better.


No particular stance from me, happy to play whatever pops up
