Decathlon 2022 Preparation

I think there are a bunch of us, like myself, that tend to only buy new ios board games for the decathlon each year. I added Sagrada, Terraforming Mars, CoB and Wingspan from this past year.

So I mostly just vote for the game I like the most, that I already own, in each category. Some of these games I have never even heard of.


Yeah, I struggle with the map as well. I have the same issue with BGA’s implementation of Gaia Project too, so maybe that’s a pretty accurate representation of the physical game?

no, the physical game looks good

compared to this dark mess:

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I’m surprised to hear that Gaia Project doesn’t have replays as I’m pretty sure every other Digidiced game does. There is usually an option to toggle replays, at least on iOS. Perhaps you’ve not enabled them?

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BGA and Digidiced are virtually identical!

yes, space is a dark place, but the boardgame shows how to do it and has much more appeal.
it could have been done so much better in the app and obviously on BGA too.

i wish i could, but no [edit: WRONG! there are replays in the game!]
and yes, very strange. [edit: the only very strange thing is that i had missed the option to activate the replays :man_facepalming: :bowing_man:]

Hey everyone… I’ll give it another couple of days to see if anyone else votes, and then it looks like we may need to break some close votes!

Here’s a link to the earlier post where the polls are: Go vote!

@feederofgoats @jason1002 @kennfusion @Baelnor @Hardco @irishdomer08 @Schlotzky @geigerm @KYakerDude @HostileApostle @JHTaube @JammaTal @doublebullout @JaneHatke @JMH.75 @js619 @johnl @SpiceTheCat @whovian223 @Mirefox

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SORRY! my bad! i was wrong!

Gaia Project has replays!
and it makes a huge difference.

hat tip and thanks to @Mirefox for his persistence which drove me back into the game for another close inspection of all options and menus.


Ok, with a few more votes coming in we are still pretty undecided on two events - “Fighting” games and “Worker Placement” games.

I found a site that will do rank voting “elections” which I think hits the mark for getting a better sense for which game the majority would like to play…

Here’s a link for the two ballots:

And once you’ve voted you can see the results here:

Note that the results will show a “winner” but that’s not final until I close the vote.

(PS. I would have run these on SP but the polls widget doesn’t support this still of voting…)

@feederofgoats @jason1002 @kennfusion @Baelnor @Hardco @irishdomer08 @Schlotzky @geigerm @KYakerDude @HostileApostle @JHTaube @JammaTal @doublebullout @JaneHatke @JMH.75 @js619 @johnl @SpiceTheCat @whovian223 @Mirefox


too many of my favorites won’t be played.
and too many old horses in the race…again.
so i will back down from the Decathlon and spare my energy for organizing tournaments for those neglected games instead.
esp for Neuroshima Hex (premier league? double-elim?), Concordia and Brass. great games which deserve some special love.

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Hate to see you go, @JammaTal - I can’t speak for the “favorites” but am surprised at the “old horses” comment…

Gaia is, of course, new and Wingspan, CoB, and Sagrada were new last year. So that’s 4 out of 7 right there that I feel are unfair to call “old horses”.

Neuroshima could still make it in (go vote everyone!) and currently (to my pleasant surprise) Le Havre is winning the ranked voting for Worker Placement. So we could be looking at 6 out of 7 games that are in their first or second Decathlon.

Plus 3 more games to be picked which I’ve said multiple times I’m specifically not voting on now because I want to leave room for new games at the end.

I’m not trying to argue with you (honestly! :stuck_out_tongue: ) but rather hoping to make sure other people have an alternative viewpoint… If I manage to convince you to change your mind though, all the better! :slight_smile:

Looking forward to whatever is on the list :smiley:

It could be ten consecutive games of Summoners Wars for all I care!

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That would be amazing!

Unfortunately that app is pretty much dead. It’s no longer available in the store and the in-app purchases can’t be restored. I can’t speak to online.

The web-based game for second edition was still a little rough the last time I played but that was admittedly a while ago.

i will call to a Terraforming Mars tourney in the very moment when that crucial update will come out which fixes the problem that only one player can see the final scoring ceremony.

other ideas are Steam, Yellow & Yangtze and Terra Mystica competitions.
i guess these won’t be attended by many players, but so what.
i’m ready to be a host for minority games.

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I just restored the app from purchased and I have all the factions. Added you as friend and invite sent :slight_smile:
Using random default deck, see if you can connect :slight_smile:

Whaaaa? I don’t have it installed but I’ll check tomorrow. My problem is that every time I tried to restore purchases it said the store couldn’t be found and I assumed that has to do with the game no longer being on the store…

Restore purchases didn’t do anything, but all the races were there? :slight_smile:

I’m leery of including TfM in a decathlon; every time they release an update to the game it breaks existing games - the last two friendly games we had going here wouldn’t load following the App Store update.

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I’ll play in all of those tournaments.

As @js619 said, our last two attempts at TfM died because some players couldn’t log on. Which was very annoying in the last game as I was going to pick up 3 milestones, but eh.

yes, it’s a big problem. and exactly the reason why i will wait on before trying to get a tourney started.
we need something like the final patch to rule them all.