Decathlon 2022 Preparation

Might want to pick up Concordia just in case too… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

And I have it on good authority that Le Havre will be on sale over Christmas! :wink:

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Just picked up Gaia Project. Looking forward to another decathlon, count me in.

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I’ll try to improve in year 2!!

I’m in. Can’t wait!

Gaia Project bought. Concordia might have to as well

Ok, it seems there are no more votes coming in for the tie-breaker ballots, and Le Havre and Raiders of the North Sea are still deadlocked. So, I’m going to go ahead and include them both.

I looked at weighting and “newness” of games again, and I am going to suggest the following order for these first 8 games:

Le Havre
Gaia Project
Raiders of the North Sea
Through the Ages
Star Realms
Castles of Burgundy

I will post a new thread for the 2022 Decathlon later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas!

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I feel like Le Havre and Raiders are different enough. Granted, I haven’t played Le Havre for a couple of years.

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Organizing Le Havre practice games in the Decathlon Practice Arena already! :smile:

I am in it to win it!

Hey everyone - thoughts on switching to 4P tables if we can’t find a 21st player?

I would suggest scoring of 5/3/2/1 in that case.

Doesn’t seem too bad but I can always count on you all to point out flaws in what might be a dumb idea. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I dont mind 4 players, might be interesting!

I know NH isn’t in the decathlon for this year, but in case we’re considering it for game 9 or 10 everyone should be aware that every time they release a patch it breaks existing games…

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Which is really annoying!


Same with Terraforming Mars.

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Thanks for the update - I hate to eliminate great games so we’ll have to discuss/vote whether people are comfortable including Neuroshima Hex or Terraforming Mars for consideration given the risk of having to restart a round (we can hope there won’t be more than one game breaking update in one month, right? Right?! :wink: )

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Hello Decathletes! Now that game 7 is underway, I think it’s time to pick games #9 and #10!

Based on the votes from before, and some recent activity on SP, here are some suggestions for a starting list of games to choose from to round out the 2022 (probably running until 2023 :wink: event…)

Running list
Fort Sumter (1v1)
Labyrinth: The War on Terror (1v1)
Isle of Skye
Yellow & Yangtze
Lords of Waterdeep
Neuroshima Hex (1v1)
Everdell *
Ticket to Ride *

Currently ruled out
Puerto Rico = iPad only, no longer on the App Store
Terraforming Mars = patches break games
Eclipse = no private games
Railroad Ink = async not currently available
Tokaido = no private games (possibly no async)
Jaipur = no private games (possibly no async)

Edit: We’ve been hoping for Dominion and Brass: Birmingham for ages but sadly they seem to be stuck in beta and/or only on Steam.

Please chime in if there’s a game you really want to play but hasn’t been listed yet, or if you know there are issues (or fixes!) for any of the above.

I’ll run a vote or votes during the last week of October… after the “controversy” of categories, I’ll just run a straight vote with a possible run off vote to get us down to 2 games.


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I still have not had a single issue with Everdell after a dozen games.

I think Everdell deserves a spot even though it can certainly mess you up without an undo button.

I like the list I’m general but a couple things stand out:

Puerto Rico is iPad-only and that could be an issue?

Dominion? Where is that playable asynch? I’m missing out on that for sure.

Unmatched could be on the horizon.

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Sorry, my bad - Dominion was mentioned way back and I didn’t fact check. Looks like it’s still in beta and only available in Early Access on Steam. :cry: