Stately Play Perpetual Multi-game Ladder

Yeah I think there have been a couple of discussions about this since the app came out. The tough part for me is I can see the rationale either way - getting the same number of points with fewer tiles placed seems like an achievement, but so does placing more tiles.

To keep it simple (one of the guiding principles of the ladder,) I suggest we adhere to the results as listed by the app for every game we play. Happy to put it to a vote if it’s a big enough source of contention.


Yes, agree.

As far as I understood the thread, the translator of the manual admits he made a translation error.

So, the correct way to break ties would be: less tiles placed wins. That is also the way the app decides in ties and how the designer of the game intended the rule to be.


I’m fine either way, but it begs the questions, how many editions does it take before a mistranslation is the official rule? The English rules state fewest tiles as the tiebreaker in both the 2019 and 2023 editions…

Also to further muddy the waters, from the comments section of the rule book update from the 2023 campaign:

Don’t disagree at all @Hardco but I think all we can really do is accept the results from the app since we don’t know if something is a bug or an intentional design change for the app. And, of course, I really don’t want to go down the possible rabbit hole of changing results for games based on bugs/differences between tabletop rules and app implementation.

Table 1 complete - a good game all around!

@kennfusion got out to an early lead but the gap was closed in the last round.

And special kudos to @doublebullout for ending my “Decathlon” streak at 6 wins in a row. :exploding_head:


When I saw myself paired up in the first game with @Codington and @kennfusion, I was immediately concerned. Both of them are exceptionally strong players. And sure enough, they jumped way out in front in points while building strong, flexible board positions early on. Great game with a lot of clever moves and an exciting finish!


Just a general understanding question: are we going to play Castles of Burgundy again, or are we moving on to the next game after everyone has finished their first game?

I’m asking because I just relearned the game and would like to play again


Isle of Skye is next, but I would play some more also, I will start another discussion to play more Castles


It’s just once in a row per game for the “official” ladder progression (although we likely will circle back to Castles at some point since it is so popular.)

Practice games beforehand and repeat games after are strongly encouraged though. :wink: One of my goals for the Decathlon and now the ladder is to (re)introduce people to great games and to encourage the SP community to find new folks to play with.

Glad to hear you enjoyed getting back to one of the all time greats!


I’m also looking to play more Castles of Burgundy, hopefully with 4p, which is a better game than the 3p version. I’ll join the discussion @kennfusion mentioned or just accept invites as they arrive.

Agree to disagree on 3P vs 4P Castles - I think the balance and tension is still pretty much perfect in 3P. But that’s obviously a subjective opinion. :wink:

The problem with 3p is that the entire complement of pieces may not show up in the Black Market. With 4p, you can be sure they will eventually appear. I wouldn’t call it a design flaw but it is an unsolvable problem.

My son keeps asking to play Monopoly Voice Banking and I humor him even though I hate the game. I was thinking about other economic games and I remembered Stockpile and then I remembered that it is an app. I’d love to see it on a list of possible ladder games.

I loved Carnegie - don’t think there’s an app but it’s on BGA

Table 7 finished as well now, gg


Kudos ladder players - we have 5 of 9 tables complete in just 15 days. A decent pace in my books!

So this is about the time when I check that the remaining tables are progressing smoothly… :blush:

PS. I’ll also remind everyone that’s waiting for the next game that practice matches can be arranged on the Decathlon Practice Arena

We are about halfway through, I believe. Everything seems to be progressing well and nobody seems to be taking too much time. It’s a leisurely pace compared to these finished tables but not once has someone been out of time.

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Yeah, I check twice a day (morning and evening)

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Table 6 is in the final round.

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