Stately Play Perpetual Multi-game Ladder

Agree to disagree on 3P vs 4P Castles - I think the balance and tension is still pretty much perfect in 3P. But that’s obviously a subjective opinion. :wink:

The problem with 3p is that the entire complement of pieces may not show up in the Black Market. With 4p, you can be sure they will eventually appear. I wouldn’t call it a design flaw but it is an unsolvable problem.

My son keeps asking to play Monopoly Voice Banking and I humor him even though I hate the game. I was thinking about other economic games and I remembered Stockpile and then I remembered that it is an app. I’d love to see it on a list of possible ladder games.

I loved Carnegie - don’t think there’s an app but it’s on BGA

Table 7 finished as well now, gg


Kudos ladder players - we have 5 of 9 tables complete in just 15 days. A decent pace in my books!

So this is about the time when I check that the remaining tables are progressing smoothly… :blush:

PS. I’ll also remind everyone that’s waiting for the next game that practice matches can be arranged on the Decathlon Practice Arena

We are about halfway through, I believe. Everything seems to be progressing well and nobody seems to be taking too much time. It’s a leisurely pace compared to these finished tables but not once has someone been out of time.

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Yeah, I check twice a day (morning and evening)

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Table 6 is in the final round.

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Steady steady with @JMH.75 and @JammaTal

The thing I like about this game is that you can never really tell who is winning…

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Absolutely - especially since there’s some potential for “big swings” like completing a large area, etc.

Table 9 is in round D (out of A through E)

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Table 6 reporting in.

Good game both. I confess to knee-capping @HolstenKnight by taking the last building he needed to complete the 8-building town. In my defence, he was in second place at the time and the gap was closer, but still.


Great game, was my very first game. And I luv CoB! So much to learn, so many idea for the next game. Well played :grin:


Table 9 . Good game


good game!

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Great game!

I thought I was in a super strong position, but still couldn’t close. Not sure what to differently next time :slight_smile:

Our game is done. Good game!


Ok that wraps up our first ladder game in less than a month - off to a good start and I trust everyone enjoyed Castles of Burgundy!


Rather than doing a participation poll every time, I’ll just give it a few days in between games and allow people to opt out.

So, please post here or send me a direct message if you DO NOT want to play Isle of Skye.