Stately Citizen Journalism

U.S. I saw it while browsing strategy games.

Yes, definitely still up for it!

Anybody else?

Weird, not coming up for me under itā€™s name or devā€¦ will have to check again

I had to actually click a link in an email. Couldnā€™t find it by search.

The Skyweavers crew just invited me to the beta ā€¦ anyone have any experience with it?

I like having one ā€œactiveā€ card game. Iā€™m retired from Elder Scrolls: Legends (no longer supported) and Iā€™m currently just meme-ing with Hearthstone, which I consider to be one of the 10 worst-designed games ever.

I donā€™t mind supporting developers with at least a $10 purchase, but my time is not infinite. Any thoughts?

Sure, why not?

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I can see the issue with the worker die. Fortunately, there is one 3 and one 5, so most turns have four actions. However, it can suck when you donā€™t get to choose the ally (additional action) favor in the game.

Iā€™ve only played 3 settlements so far (multiple times), I think the different buildings can have a real impact on your ability to score. Though, there have been several games where I didnā€™t think I was doing well and ended up with a new high score.

I know two favorites are Card Crawl and Card Thief. Iā€™ve wanted to like the progression in those games, but I just donā€™t. I cannot seem to improve my score and it feels like Iā€™m doing the same thing over again without unlocking new content. I probably just suck at those games. So far Iā€™m liking this more because I think Iā€™m playing reasonably well and as long as Iā€™m playing Iā€™ll make progress towards unlocking everything.

I think I have finally come around to your POV on this. I stuck with HS for a long time, but about 3 months ago maybe, I just got fed up and uninstalled the thing. If it were just badly designed and too luck dependent (both of which it is), I could maybe have forgiven it, but one day it became clear to me that it was intentionally badly designed. They werenā€™t merely clumsy or incompetent, they are very, very competent and making a choice to frustrate players. Which I think for a lot of people pushes a button in their brain for Try Again. Thatā€™s not gaming anymore, thatā€™s psychological triggering.

The sad thing is that they had a deep IP that they could have done better with. I think Riot is doing a far better job with Runeterra is translating an IP into a card game.

Maracaibo is coming to ios and android in Q4. I hope it turns out good, but itā€™s a new developer. Their only game so far is in open beta, and borrows heavily from Letterpress.


I see both, sometimes. Thereā€™s times I think they were just dumb, then thereā€™s other times ā€” like with how hyper-overtuned both Hunter and Paladin are ā€” and I think, ā€œthis is totally on purpose.ā€

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Ugh. I always feel dirty when I visit BGG, but ā€¦


now iā€™m totally hyped for Gaia Project.

thx for the great link, @TheDukester.

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Iā€™m pretty sure BGG feels the same way when you visitā€¦


Nobody told me Sagrada was this good.
I blame you all.

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I suppose I shouldnā€™t point out this thread, huhā€¦ :wink:


Still your fault :stuck_out_tongue:


Hoping people doesnā€™t mind, I took the liberty to grab all Sagrada nicknames from the tournament and added you as a friend.
If you fancy it, accept my friendship and letā€™s play!!! Just be gentle, Iā€™m still learning :wink:


Looks interesting.

@trzewik: This weekend a new app from @PortalGamesDigi releases. A two player asymetric card game designed by Ignacy Trzewiczek.