Stately Citizen Journalism

I believe it is an older tabletop game. I was always curious because I think it takes place in the Neiroshima Hex universe but I’ve never tried it.

It was originally just called “The Convoy”, so they must have renamed it to make it more obvious it was in the Neuroshima Hex universe. I don’t think it was very popular when it was released, but maybe it will make a good head-to-head digital game.

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Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower dropped yesterday.
Haven’t tried it. Looks like there’s gold and stones to purchase which doesn’t bode well but I’ll be giving it a try.


Let us know. The other two were merely OK in my books and adopting a f2p model is a very large step in the very wrong direction for me, but I’ll approach it with an open mind.

Maybe, but I don’t know if I’d hold my breath. What were Portal’s last releases? IS Roll & Write and Tides of Time before that? Neither had multiplayer of any kind.

@Mirefox I played the beta and it’s more of the same from the dev who did the WH40K that was good but with the f2p cards, and WHQ2 that was a trash fire. This is also a F2P mess, not particularly challenging, visually very nice is the best I can say. Didn’t get very far in the beta as there wasn’t a challenge at all - not sure what happens when you delve deeper, but I was already meh from their previous releases and the multiple f2p currencies really turned me off.

Caveat emptor, can’t recommend it.


They inherited the Neuroshima Hex multiplayer code when they took ownership of that app, so maybe it will make a decent starting point? At least they are launching with online play instead of promising that it will be added later.

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Ok, @Hardco and @robthomasson for Root.

Anybody else?

I’ll start a game with us tomorrow night if nobody else joins.

Sorry for the delay. Been having computer issues

and then they ruined the async multiplayer thoroughly.
much later they promised on FB to fix it but never did.
i will not touch a Portal game again before they restore NHex to former glory.

I’ve already deleted WHQ:ST. It’s just turn based tactics in a series of set scenarios with incremental rewards of gold or coins or whatever the hell.
It became clear very fast that scenarios could be stacked against you at any moment, requiring you to spend money to get gear and progress. It’s obvious.

There’s almost no board game feel to it. Just thrash it out in a series of hits or misses on square tiles.

Something about the clash of clans style loot chests that pop up and open as reward at the end of a “scenario”, with a display of gems, rubies and coins as loot feels so wrong for a Warhammer game. It’s like “Warhammer Art and IP, let me introduce you to CoC monetary system…ok looks like we got ourselves a game then!”



The 6-month-in-the-making Terraforming Mars update just came out. Maybe some of the online niggles are improved?

I’d be up for a game to check them out!

I don’t think the async characteristics have changed in this latest update … but happy to be pleasantly surprised.

In other news … there is a web based implementation of the game at at this address. Browser notifications so again notifications by players (or regular checking) needed for async play. One major quirk - they regularly clean out what are perceived as false game starts so if setting up a game all players need to available at about the same time. One player sets up the game and gets per-player links that have to be sent to the other players … who need to make their initial choices in good time (all players can choose simultaneously). One key differentiation from the Asmodee app is that it has the expansions. You may or may not prefer the interface (to the app).

So (most probably) still no available implementation of the game with effective notifications. But, as before, that hasn’t stopped me having multiple games on the go at all times …

Late to the party but Sagrada is really awesome, thick all the boxes for me.
Great port.

I’ve alerted the devs about two things that could be imho improved/solved…they told me they will look into them (hopefully)

  1. iOS version lacks sound notifications for some reason (there isn’t even the option in the iOS settings).
  2. the game could use shorter loading times, in particular from the time you press the notification to the time you actually move dice, and the ‘frigging slow’ end of turn animation where the remaining dice goes into the track on top (rolling animation could be faster too).

Other than that, great game and near perfect digital adaptation imho.

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None of Dire Wolf’s games have sound notifications. I e-mailed them about it for a different game (Raiders, maybe?) and they said it is a notification setting. Clearly it isn’t, but I never got into it further. Disappointing for me, but by no means a game breaker. In my books, notification badges are most important and Dire Wolf gets them right.

Nuts. Well, I had already excitedly started the download, so I guess I’ll open it. But that sure is a bummer.

EDIT: yup. Deleted.

The worst part, I think, is that I keep having high hopes for their games, especially cause they’re set in the Warhammer universe. And those hopes are continually and repeatedly dashed against the Cliffs of Free to Play Despair… might be my last time touching a Perchang game.

They told me they will look into it but what you said doesn’t make me too hopefully.
Rest of the port is close to perfection tough…sounds notifications (that EVERYBODY does) seems a really weird omission.

Root to mobile on 9/24