What’s everyone’s preference? MLOK or Pic rails? I’ve moved way to the rail side of things lately.
Pic rails on top and mlok on the other three sides, it seems. < cries in keymod >
In all seriousness, pic rail is murder on your hands even thought it’s the easiest attachment system.
Dragon one was great…
But you might have to catch me up on the bear…
100% can confirm. This trigger is butter. Dare I say I makes some of my Geisselle single stage triggers feel like military grade garbage.
Huh. I would think driving a car is more dangerous, but, sure, man vs bear.
Cars don’t typically commit sexual assaults or rapes.
I am not so sure about Kit…. And those Teslas have a funny look in their eye these days…
Funniest memes I have seen in forever! You sir, win the internet
The Kermit one got me.
Gun guys, it’s an age-old question…or at least a few-years-old question since the XL came out, but do any of you have any opinions on the P365 vs P365XL? Asking everywhere I can. I don’t want to sacrifice concealability by going larger but I do think I like the size on the XL more. I’m also considering the P365 with a 12 round mag to extend the grip.
First and foremost - have you tried the trigger on the P365? It’s honestly one of the worst triggers I’ve ever felt, and I’ve shot and own a lot of guns. There’s a ton of take-up in the trigger and an awfully sloppy break; the reset is ok but not great. I’ve done trigger jobs on a lot of 365’s, including my own that was pretuned by Wilson Combat (spoiler - it is WELL worth paying a gunsmith to do this. Legit one of the hardest / worst trigger jobs ever).
I would 100% recommend the Glock 43X over the P365. You lose two rounds (max capacity is only 10; the Shield Arms 15 round mags are unreliable as fuck) but the trigger is great and the gun is probably half the price. Disclaimer, I love Sigs and Glocks, not a fanboy either way. I also like the smaller P320 for carry, but that’s apples and oranges.
Now to answer the question - I think my P365WC is an X? It doesn’t have the built in comp but takes a 12 round mag. I like the size of the XL tbh - the Legion one they just came out with is sharp - and it holds 17 rounds if I’m not mistaken. There are definitely trade offs between concealability and shootability. The X is lighter and shorter, but the XL will allow a longer weaponlight that doesn’t extend past the barrel (I like lights on everything and extending past the barrel is a whole other can of worms).
There’s also the question of your size - are you a big guy? Small guy? Do you like baggy clothes or prefer shmedium t-shirts from Abercrombie? Do you carry in a fanny pack or backpack vs IWB or OWB?
Tl;dr, buy the Glock 43X lol. I jest - I think if you really want a 365 the 12 round grip is the minimum you should do just for grip comfort. Depending on how you carry a longer barrel may not matter so do what you like. I like comps a lot especially on smaller guns, so the XL would be my choice.
eta: not sure where you are but if you’re anywhere near me you’re more than welcome to try my stuff out before you buy.
Thanks for the info and the offer.
We actually ordered the Glock for my wife a couple of days ago. I’ve had my eyes on the Sig for a while and want one in the house so I’m still leaning that direction. I hope to get some range time with both before purchasing and I’ll pay attention to that trigger. My brother has the standard 365, so I’ll have a chance to try it and I think a range up by me has an XL in its library. I’m just gathering up as much info as I can.
Oh nice! Love the 43X; it’s my go to off duty when I can’t conceal the G19. I put a magwell on mine which I like a lot and the Holosun EPS Carry is good on there assuming you got the MOS version - I still don’t trust holosun for on duty carry but for off duty it’s ok.
Curious to see what you think after you shoot them. I’m a huge fan of the P320 - look at the Flux Raider (https://www.sigsauer.com/p320-flux-legion.html) if you want a great home defense gun.
The Glock won’t get much use. My wife will never in a million years carry it. She’s generally not a fan of guns but I’ve convinced her to have one that she’s comfortable using. She will get some range time in but it will most often be in a safe on her side of the bed feeling lonely and unwanted.