Welcome to Castle Memelot, and the Round Table of Bullshit and Knives

That “7pm / 2am” one had me laughing reeeeeal hard. Hats off to you!

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RIP to those poor bastards on the bridge, who were no doubt good union men.

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Reports are claiming that they were migrant labor, so, in this era, I doubt they were union.

I grew up in Maryland and lived in the Baltimore area for many years and drove over that bridge more times than I could count. It is bizarre to see it now as destroyed twisted metal submerged in the water. It was a serious bridge. Hard not to wonder how many other major bridges in the US have the same Achilles heel.

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All of them, surely.

I don’t consider myself a paranoid person but I’m not a fan of driving over some of these bridges. The Chicago Skyway always creeps me out. Not saying it was the bridge’s fault in this case, just that bridge paranoia is a thing!


I’ve read nothing but headlines, but, yeah, I’d assumed that those supports aren’t decorative. Container ships are incomprehensibly heavy, and our intuitions about their interaction with infrastructure seem, uh, ever given to going astray.



Yeah, I read a Washington Post article yesterday that said no change in construction could have saved the bridge from a ship of that size hitting it.


Same! The Tappan Zee gives me the heebie jeebies every damn time.

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10.000 TEU container ship will beat most bridges….

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Really, CNN? That’s the issue? So when those driver-less cars plow into crowds of pedestrians, I guess that just means we need better sidewalk barriers.


That is truly A Take.

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After musing about whether to get a Leatherman Skeletool a while ago, I’ve had one (the topo) since Christmas. Review, as a generally handy guy who is broadly ignorant of knives: it’s alright. Mostly, it’s just a heavier knife. But that knife is terrifically sharp and easy to open without opening the whole tool, locks well and unlocks easily, and looks nice. The driver is just okay; the Phillips bit is somewhat flattened, so is halfway to using a flathead, and, these days, most of the screws I’m choosing are star- or square-headed, so it’s hard for any small number of bits to meet all my needs. I don’t want to carry around tons of bits everywhere, so this is an adequate compromise. It doesn’t feel great to use the integrated carabiner to hang it from a belt loop, so I mostly have it in a pocket with my keys. I do like the pliers; it’s a much more comfortable handle arrangement than my early-model leatherman. But they’re not that frequently useful (which makes sense; I’ve never known anyone who walked around with needle nose pliers in their pocket when not doing a job which used them).

Worth having, worth carrying…but just barely.



Did two things yesterday at my FLGS… had a Canik TTI on order since Shot Show and it finally came in. The color is beautiful - pic doesn’t do it justice, spiral fluted barrel is shnazzy as they come, and it comes in a nice case which is a rarity nowadays.

Blaming this impulse purchase on a buddy who I ran into in the store who was looking at ARs. As soon as I picked up this 6 pound lightweight I knew I had to have it. Colors are sexy af too and the trigger is butter out of the box.



9mm? Very fancy bit of kit!

The muzzle brake on that AR makes it look like an airsoft gun though, no bueno.

9mm indeed, pretty much the only semi-auto caliber I buy since it’s our department ammo (fine print, I shoot 9 for free).

Lol at the muzzle brake comment - I actually dig it. There’s some other accents that match the color and tie it in nicely. It’s definitely different but I’m at the point in my collection that I’m looking for different lol

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Glock-style safety in the trigger? I’m surprised it’s so good. Free ammunition is best ammunition though. As long as the frame holds up, it looks like a really good deal, and has a good amount of extras.


That made me LOL.

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I stumbled on FLGS as friendly local gaming store and spent longer than I should trying to solve it.


lol was afraid that might throw someone for a loop

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