Welcome to Castle Memelot, and the Round Table of Bullshit and Knives

Went in to do the paperwork on my Multicam custom cerakoted and fully worked up Glock 19 gen 5 from Battle Ready Arms today (pics when I have it in hand, thanks New Jersey) and impulse did a Henry’s mare’s leg in .357. Just call me Steve McQueen tyvm.


That looks awesome. I wish I had a bigger gun budget. Not a cheap hobby.

Since you brought up guns, my brothers-in-law and I were trying to rank our collections and I kept coming back to my Ruger 10/22 as possibly my most fun. Maybe my least practical, but it’s simplicity and feel are just great.

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Ooo I’d have a hard time picking my favorite. I’ll make a list of all of mine one day and we’ll compare!

Love the 10/22, I have a classic one in wood. It’s the gun I learned to shoot on up in the Canadian woods one year. Tons of fun to plink with!

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Yes, wood all the way.

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Order a new light, I said. It’ll be fun, I said.

I’m trying to avoid ordering kit just to own it, and despite deciding to focus on 18650 lights in order to keep the battery situation under control (already fucked that up with my 21700 Wurkkos), I ended up buying an Emisar D2. Running on 14500, it’s not got the all-day staying power of an 18650 light, but then again the battery is literally AA sized, and you get two emitters for the price of one, and what caught my eye is one of the options is for UV.

After coming to terms with the Anduril OS (“It’s just clicking, how hard can it be?!”) over the last week, I have used the UV option quite a lot, not just to discover that I am in fact a disgusting, filthy slob, but have also been checking for rat sign on a job. While being tempted to burn everything I own because it is all dirty, I also ended up finding some chainsaw gloves I had lost in the dark (their back panels glow like beacons under UV), and the normal emitter is no slouch either, so it works perfectly well as a normal torch. The pocket clip is good, the light itself is small and light, and at least 14500 batteries are cheap. Building it up a bit (UV, tailcap magnet, pocket clip) cost a little extra, but was well worth it.

This review with some disturbingly old hands gives it a fair shake:


Can we talk karambits again? I just had one demonstrated by a former Mossad agent. He uses Fox blades and they have an excellent Emerson flipper that can deploy the blade while pulling out of a pocket. I was a bit smitten but I have for a long time had my eyes on CRKT’s offerings. I know @OhBollox has some more experience so any quick rundowns?

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and they have an excellent Emerson flipper that can deploy the blade while pulling out of a pocket.

The Emerson Wave feature? It’s great. If your knife has a thumbhole, you can get the same effect with a clipped zip tie on it, but my favourite FUCK YOU knife with the Wave is the Spyderco Matriarch. I own one and it’s great. You can get it working reliably on a draw after a few minutes of practice, and if you drill it at all it is 100% reliable.

CRKT’s website won’t load for me currently! IIRC they have their Provokes which are right-hand only (at least when I looked at them), but they’re good build quality, good steel quality, only single-edged though. You either can’t close them one-handed or I just couldn’t get the knack. They also have the Du Hoc which is a fixed blade, beefy, mostly single-edged, but it has a partial outer edge. It looks like a knife other knives have nightmares about.

LMK if there are any others you are considering.

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I forgot about the Matriarch! I’d probably choose Spyderco over CRKT. The Provoke deploy looks like a neat little gimmick but I am curious if it snags in pockets or if it leaves enough blade exposed to be a risk?

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Nope, it will no doubt catch on something at some point, but it’s very well rounded and the blade isn’t exposed.

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Quote from unexpected source

Cancelled all my subscriptions today





This is the dumbest coolest thing I’ve ever seen and also I need one

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The revolver carbine that they showed first looked cool. The later one with the hand guard and all the attachments looked stupid. I’d take a .45 revolver with a 14-inch barrel and rifle stock.

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Agreed. I like the plain Jane one. I’m in for whatever they release in the US lol. Jealous of the ten inch barrel but not happening here, at least in NJ

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colt’s_New_Model_revolving_rifle - “AT LAST MY TIME HAS COME.”

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