Viticulture Tournament

Get well, @SleepingGiant.
I am looking for a replacement for that table.
Waiting to hear from someone.

The person that I thought would play decided against it. Go ahead and begin your game with just two players since no one else has expressed an interest.

Help me out. There are three fields with 3 different values. Does that value represent the number of grapes? I planted a vine with 3 white grapes on the 5 field and as a bonus got to plant another vine. This vine had 1 white and 1 red and I thought I could plant on the same field but it wouldnā€™t let me and now I realize I may have some rules completely wrong.

You should have been able to plant that. Youā€™re right on what the numbers mean

Hmmmā€¦ok, well at least I got that part right. Iā€™m sure I messed up something else.

There may have been something else that prevented you from doing it, but I donā€™t know what that would be.

Iā€™m at a complete loss. I imagine it is my misunderstanding, but I canā€™t figure it out. It doesnā€™t ruin my game or anything, but I donā€™t get it.

you must have Trellis to be able to plant the only red1/white1 vine Pinot.
if you have Trellis i have no idea why it should not work.

I havenā€™t taken another turn since planting, so this is what my vineyard looks like. I have a trellis; the first vines I planted were in the 5 field, and it seems to me the 1/1 vine should have been able to fit.

I hope I donā€™t sound like Iā€™m whining or making a mountain out of a molehill because I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing yet and really donā€™t care. Iā€™m just trying to clear up my confusion and if there was a bug in my game that is good enough for me.

Did you still need another? I can buy and play!

Mind if I download the screenshot and post it on Twitter? I can ask both Digidiced and Jamey Stegmaier if there is a conceivable reason why you couldnā€™t play the second vine on the first field.

Not a problem with me.

Done. Weā€™ll see what they say.

Edit: It appears you should have been able to do so. Keep an eye on that in case something like that happens again, and maybe it is a bug.

Yes, welcome!

@johnl, @Feygor, @Baelnor would like to join your table.

Invite sent.

I am on my biannual trip out to my in-lawā€™s grape farm so this game is making me very happy, thematically.

I am quite liking this game but it is burning my brain a little trying to figure out the harvest>age>press>age/mix cycle of grapes and wine. The mechanics arenā€™t hard; my planning is poor.

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I really do like it a lot. Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t played it on the table since 2017 but Iā€™m enjoying the app! However, now that the Steam version is out (and I have bought it), Iā€™m not sure how to log in to my Digidiced account and Iā€™m also unclear how to actually exit the app. I donā€™t see any ā€œReturn to Desktopā€ function on it.

Same with Isle of Skye (my only other Digidiced app on Steam).

Any help there?

hello @geigerm, itā€™s your turn for a long time now (timeout included).