Posting this mainly for the aggressively (and I assume purposely) bad album cover, but the music is good.
Again something I never knew I had been missing all my life in my ever expandng musical playlist…
I approve (^.^)=b
Very much enjoying this.
Credit for my listening to this must go to Sa-@TannerHendrickson.
Absolutely hoofing album.
This new album is very
Been a big fan of these guys for a while. This is an interesting semi-departure for them, very chill and spaced out, although it does explode at the very end.
About half of Honeyblood’s new album is amazing, and the other half is fine. This is the highlight, for me:
“You’re a Trick” and “Take the Wheel” are also stand-outs.
These ladies are fucking great.
My brother told me about this young rock band called Greta Van Fleet. Lead singer looks a bit like a hobbit and rips off the Led Zepplin/Rush sound, but there is no denying he has talent.
That voice in no way looks like it should be coming from that child. Unless he’s got some crazy mic pedals.
Oh Bjork, the things she thinks of…
What. The. Actual. Fuck, Björk.