Ha, yeah thought I had a chance there before you put the hammer down.
@Blackfyre accidentally hit rematch in our friendly game. Feel free to reject challenge since you’re not in my bracket.
First game @johnl over @irishdomer08. Down to 1 health I just barely pulled this one off. Good game!
First game - @doublebullout defeats @TheDukester 49-0
Death by Infinity Shard in Round 20. Duke had a tight, efficient deck with several shields, rendering most of my power cards fairly useless. It became a race to 30, with Duke right on my heels at 29.
That was brutal. The shard rule makes more sense to me now, though, as armor and healing could have kept that game going for quite a long time.
Me def. JMH.
I’ll do. Better to focus on the tournament now and resume our friendly matches after the tournament. Thanks.
Sorry for the slow / lack of moves; dealing with two sick kids since last week
buzznaut over johnl in game 1
@Blackfyre over @TheDukester 7:0
In a very tight game, I managed on my last turn to pull infinity Shard, reach 30 and finish the game. I am pretty confident, that I would not have survived another turn. Gg Duke and hard luck.