Through The Ages Friendly Matches

I will play next time someone starts a game.

Question also, one thing I don’t understand, how do you tell when an age is going to end? I can’t seem to figure out how long I have until my current leader needs to be replaced.

If you look at the age deck near the upper right you can see how many cards are remaining. You don’t know exactly when it will end since it depends on how many and what cards your opponents buy, but you’ll have an idea how much longer you can expect. At minimum, two cards will be drawn per player turn, plus how ever many were bought.


Actually, it depends on the number of players. From the in-game rule book:

The leftmost slots of the card row are marked with (a red X) icon to indicate that those cards will be automatically discarded after your turn. In games with fewer players, more cards are automatically discarded: 3 in a two-player game, 2 in a three-player game, 1 in a four-player game.

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I stand corrected. Almost every game I’ve played has been 3-player. Thanks!

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I’d be up for a friendly match

looking for some more 3-player games, who wants an invite?

I’m ready to lose another game.


Just sent an invite to @geigerm and @irishdomer08

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Oof…I am getting beat on badly in our game. The cards just never came out right for me to upgrade my military early, and now that I have the cards to do so I don’t have the resources to do so because of the early beating. This is a painful one, for sure.

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One of the most frustrating things in this game is not getting knights tech or an infantry tactic while everyone else beats on you with their cavalry-based tactic. But in this case this was all on you! You were in the top two for military for most of age 1, but chose to focus on wonders and your culture engine despite me going all-in on swordsman with Barbarossa. You were cranking out 12 culture a turn while leaving yourself 10 strength behind me! I had no choice but to reduce your empire to rubble!


Yes, I was trying to stay even with military and rush some culture and realized too late that I had dug myself in a hole.

I’ve learnt, mostly through losing, that military beats culture every time in this game

I’m currently learning this the hard way … not sure I’d completely learned that before, but it’s very obvious now.

I’ve mainly played 3-player games in the past but the dynamic seems very different with 4. You certainly suffer a lot more when falling behind with more people you pillage the corpse of your failed civilization…

The game is all about how much of a culture engine you can generate while maintaining military parity with your opponents. If everyone goes hard military early, you may have a game where the winning score is 100 culture, compared to a more peaceful game, where 250-300 is more common.

Even if you fall behind in military and have a good culture engine, you need to be able to threaten military strength. If you have a decent amount of rock and science, you are less likely to be targeted by wars, as it is often a risk that you could win the war with a tech and tactic change.

Be aware of what your opponents are capable of in terms of military! 26 extra strength is easy to achieve in a single turn in Age 3 (develop and build two Air Force units with Classic Army), and you need to be able to respond to that and a war declared the same turn.

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Seriously, @Mirefox? You rejected a pact that would have made you immune to the additional wars that @Hardco (and perhaps @js619) will undoubtedly declare on you? Perhaps the first war in which he’ll bleed you dry of culture points wasn’t enough to convince you?

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The only thing I produce is culture, lol. I what shred of dignity I have left…


I get it. You want to continue to produce enough culture so Hardco won’t get upset when he tries to bleed 35 culture from you each turn, but finds only 3. :roll_eyes:

I need some alcohol… :joy:

Assume the remainder of my turns in our game were taken while inebriated. Don’t try to make sense of them, m’kay?

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Congrats to @Hardco on his decisive victory!

Time to form another 4P game! Who’s in?