"The King In Yellow" Challenge Thread

@HolstenKnight Congrats–I was off my game from the get-go, building a horrific rainbow deck (or at least as much of a rainbow as you can get with 3 colors), and I knew a while ago this result was inevitable.

one mighty King is dead. long live the other mighty King!

Leaderboard and Hall of Yellow Kings:
HolstenKing VII
Mighty Geigerm VII
KYakerKing V
King Zebra II
King Hardco
King Jamma

next battle for the YellowStone Throne: HolstenKing VII vs halfvoid
order of challengers:

  1. whovian
  2. KYakerDude
  3. Hardco
  4. JammaTal
  5. Zebracadabra
  6. jason1002 (JasonBurnett in CR)
  7. geigerm
  8. new entries welcome!

i will keep placing insane losers back on the line for possible healing.
if anyone prefers to stay insane and away, just say so.

I am barely still sane :scream: (someone else has to decide)
And still the king, challenging whovian.

Very good game @halfvoid


You can take me off the list though. I can’t figure out the strategy for this game and for all the games I’ve played, I’m not getting any better.

You played absolutely fine, way in front and I just had luck in the end. Only “fault” I saw was that you kept buying cards that did not improve your deck. Every card you acquire lessen the chance for the other cards to appear, so often it is better to not buy anything (as I did a lot in our game).

Not trying to be a smart-ass, it often just depends on the luck of the draw if a decision was good or not :wink:

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HolstenKing is closing in to finish line :flushed:

Leaderboard and Hall of Yellow Kings:
HolstenKing VIII
Mighty Geigerm VII
KYakerKing V
King Zebra II
King Hardco
King Jamma

next battle for the YellowStone Throne: HolstenKing VIII vs whovian
order of challengers:

  1. KYakerDude
  2. Hardco
  3. JammaTal
  4. Zebracadabra
  5. jason1002 (JasonBurnett in CR)
  6. geigerm
  7. new entries welcome!
    i will keep placing insane losers back on the line for possible healing.
    if anyone prefers to stay insane and away, just say so.

I’ve never put up much of a fight against Holsten. :slight_smile:

GG whovian, I stay the King.

Challenge out to kyakerdude

I had you down and was building up Sanity, but couldn’t get the knockout punch before you established your haymaker.

Good game!

holy moly! this could be the last match!

Leaderboard of Yellow Kings:
HolstenKing IX
Mighty Geigerm VII
KYakerKing V
King Zebra II
King Hardco
King Jamma

next battle for the YellowStone Throne: HolstenKing IX vs KYakerDude
order of challengers:

  1. Hardco
  2. JammaTal
  3. Zebracadabra
  4. jason1002 (JasonBurnett in CR)
  5. geigerm
  6. whovian
  7. new entries welcome!
    i will keep placing insane losers back on the line for possible healing.
    if anyone prefers to stay insane and away, just say so.

Not on my watch!

Good game Holsten. It was a race to the bottom and I had a good last hand.

@Hardco, our next match can be this challenge match.

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Sounds good. Hopefully you aren’t due for another win…

so the Game of Yellow Throne goes on!

Leaderboard of Yellow Kings:
HolstenKing IX
Mighty Geigerm VII
KYakerKing VI
King Zebra II
King Hardco
King Jamma

next battle for the YellowStone Throne: KYakerKing VI vs Hardco
order of challengers:

  1. JammaTal
  2. Zebracadabra
  3. jason1002 (JasonBurnett in CR)
  4. geigerm
  5. whovian
  6. Holsten
  7. new entries welcome!
    i will keep placing insane losers back on the line for possible healing.
    if anyone prefers to stay insane and away, just say so.

If I don’t win this one, let’s not count it.:grinning:

I kept the KyakerKing’s reign short this time! After a mid game with nothing but defensive buildings to buy, I finally mustered up enough power to drive him insane once I ridded myself of all my followers and goons…

Incoming challenge for @JammaTal.

Leaderboard of Yellow Kings:
HolstenKing IX
Mighty Geigerm VII
KYakerKing VI
King Hardco II
King Zebra II
King Jamma

next battle for the YellowStone Throne: King Hardco II vs JammaTal
order of challengers:

  1. Zebracadabra
  2. jason1002 (JasonBurnett in CR)
  3. geigerm
  4. whovian
  5. Holsten
  6. KYakerDude
  7. new entries welcome!
    i will keep placing insane losers back on the line for possible healing.
    if anyone prefers to stay insane and away, just say so.

Hardco goes on driving opponents mad.

Leaderboard of Yellow Kings:
HolstenKing IX
Mighty Geigerm VII
KYakerKing VI
King Hardco III
King Zebra II
King Jamma

Zebracadabra can’t play games in the moment, so we must skip him and continue with the next challenger in line:
next battle for the YellowStone Throne: King Hardco III vs JasonBurnett
order of challengers:

  1. geigerm
  2. whovian
  3. Holsten
  4. KYakerDude
  5. Zebracadabra
  6. JammaTal
  7. new entries welcome!
    i will keep placing insane losers back on the line for possible healing.
    if anyone prefers to stay insane and away, just say so.

@jason1002’s yellow deck was no match for all green, and has been driven insane. Challenge going out to @geigerm.

Hardco IV wears two crowns just now (KIY and Crown of Cthulhu :crown:) and still goes on driving opponents mad.
will he fall victim to megalomania now?

Leaderboard of Yellow Kings:
HolstenKing IX
Mighty Geigerm VII
KYakerKing VI
King Hardco IV
King Zebra II
King Jammma

next battle for the YellowStone Throne: King Hardco IV vs geigerm
order of challengers:

  1. whovian
  2. Holsten
  3. KYakerDude
  4. Zebracadabra
  5. JammaTal
  6. jason1002
  7. new entries welcome!
    i will keep placing insane losers back on the line for possible healing.
    if anyone prefers to stay insane and away, just say so.

@geigerm’s base deck fell to my aggressive yellow/green deck after an fortunate early turn knocked him to 15. Good game!

Challenge going out to @whovian223.

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