Stately play decathlon ideas

White Wizard was pushing the BGG voting pretty hard on Facebook, too. There was a pretty coordinated campaign to get those votes.

Really? That sounds a little lame. Then again, it’s free marketing so perhaps every developer involved should have been doing the same. I guess you can’t blame a business from pursuing opportunity.

My one big takeaway from the list is that you can make one of the highest-ranked board games of all time, but if you limit yourself to the iPad market you won’t have much appeal.

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Playing it in this (otherwise fantastic) decathlon has reminded me just how much I dislike Star Realms. The fact that the app sometimes fails to notify me when it’s my turn doesn’t help…

The organized online community for Star Realms on both BGG and Facebook is really big and mostly organic. While WWG did ask people to go vote, that would have done nothing if there was not a very large fan base of the digital game to mobilize.

edit: of course I might be a digital marketer for a living and a star realms fan boy, so I might be biased here.

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I agree it seems kinda lame, but I don’t think that’s uncommon. I’m pretty sure Eclipse won PT Readers’ Game of the Year a few years ago thanks to a Facebook/Twitter campaign encouraging their followers to vote.

Sooo… again?


Probably not a bad time to start the discussion. There’s a month left of northern hemisphere autumn to come up with a plan, then we can power through the early games in northern hemisphere winter when everyone is indoors anyway

Count me in - I need a chance to redeem myself…

I’m in! What would be some changes to the lineup though??

I’m in too.

Yeah, count me in again.

I’m in! Gotta see if I can come in last as expected, instead of just close to last…

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I didn’t play in the last one but I might join this one depending on the game selection.

I’m in :grinning:

I’m glad to see there’s some interest so quickly.

As Hardco suggests the first thing to consider should be the games line up. Last time we had a public consultation followed by me exercising executive control and picking the games. This had a few pros and cons.

  • All the games worked.

Personally I consider that one of my biggest achievements in picking the games list. It was one of my highest priorities when choosing which games to pick.

  • The whole games list process resolved quickly.

While a democratic process may have ended up with a fairer result, democracies are not renowned for their efficiency.

  • My bias undoubtedly impacted the games list

By picking games I knew worked, I naturally had to pick games that I knew. I did add a couple of games I had never played, but ultimately I didn’t get any of the surprises at finding a new game like some of the other players did.

Then theres the issue of which platform to play on. I focused entirely on picking games that were iOS universal so more people could play. While we would have the widest range of games by playing iPad only, I suspect we would cut out a good chunk of our players.

I also didn’t consider that we might have players that were android only. Unfortunately I think including android players would restrict our list significantly. If there were enough android players perhaps we could have a segment of the tournament with all the cross platform games, and treat it as a tourney in a tourney.

There’s also the option of widening our game selection by including web based board games like on boteajeux.

I’ll start compiling a games list with the view of creating a multiple choice poll. I don’t know how many poll options you can have on discourse but I suspect we will find out


please count me in, Snotty :grinning:

One thing I felt about the first decathlon was that the 2p only games felt less impactful. Winning a single game of Star Realms, placing in the 50% of winners, and moving on to the next event was unsatisfying. If we’re going to continue having 2p games in the tournament, I’d like to see at least couple matches each of a fast 2p like Star Realms, or shift the 2p games towards the end of the decathlon where a victory against one of your close rivals seems more meaningful…


a very valid statement.
maybe best-of-3 matches?
or shifting towards the end of the event.

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just a hint: we have a Challenge thread going on.

Please count me in too!