Stately play decathlon ideas

I’ve got a half formed thought here that I’m going to forget unless I write it down.

My idea was a tournament of tournaments, across our top favourite games here. In the style of a decathlon players would compete once in each game to win points and the final total across all games would give a rounded final score. There’s plenty of games we all have eg agricola, twilight struggle, rftg , tta.

Some games you will be stronger at or weaker at, but the score across all games is what matters. To that end there’s no point me suggesting more games as Im only going to suggest games I like and I’m good at :smile:

The scoring might be a bit of a mess, I’ve got a few ideas there but certainly nothing mathematically precise or fair. I think a certain amount of inconsistency should be expected, but with the final score it should even out.


I’m in.

Where do I sign up?

Oh god. What have I done. I hadn’t planned to organise something, but I guess that’s what I was subconsciously implying.

Over the coming days I’ll check the most popular tournament threads to try and minimise players having to buy new stuff. Some stages will take much longer than others, but we are fortunate here that the community will stick around and see the tourney through

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I’m in!

Sounds super fun!

Should I start trying to learn Terra Mystica?

Also, just checked and seems like Galaxy Trucker turn-based games can be played async. I don’t think we have tried a tourney of that…

Brass and Steam have been fun tourneys too…

Lords of Waterdeep and Star Realms.

I own a lot of the other games, but have never learned them.

Count me in! Please, no terra Mystica lol!

In! in! (5 characters was the minimum for a post :grinning:j

A few possibilities we haven’t seen in tourneys here in a while (if ever): Ascension, Carcassonne, Lost Cities


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I’m in, but please no Twilight Struggle. I have yet to learn that one.

Galaxy trucker, and Ticket to Ride sound like good options, and don’t forget Potion Explosion.

Here is an idea…How about make it a 2018 Championship. Pick 12 games, and start the tournament on the first of each month…but…only allow people to compete in 10 of the 12. So for someone like @KYakerDude he would probably choose to skip the Twilight Struggle tournament and one other.

It also keeps the pacing a little more standardized, and with the schedule known far in advance, people will have plenty of time to practice in advance for most games. Just start January out with one that is wildly popular.


Is this going to iOS only? Or do we need games that are on Android as well? It would be sad to miss Agricola…

I’m in

Thanks for all your ideas and suggestions. I’ve got a shortlist of 15 games which I hope to prune down a bit, I don’t want half the games to be deckbuilders for example. The next step would be checking that the games still have working multiplayer modes.

@kennfusion brings up a couple of great points that I had also been mulling over. There’s every chance there will be a game on the list that you can’t stand playing or otherwise have no interest in buying, and I think if you force yourself to play a game you don’t like the whole tournament stops being as fun. To that end I think taking a loss before that game starts would be the fair thing to do.

I really like the idea of a yearly championship, and perhaps if this works it’s something that could be looked into. My vision for this decathlon was to bring a bunch of classic games to the table that everyone knows, and would only need a quick warm up against an AI to get match fit. I think I would want to take an official championship far more seriously.

I had assumed we were all iOS players. In fact I see I might have been a bit blinkered here as I hadn’t even thought that some players might play on their phones. I’m sure some of the games I was considering might even be tablet only. I will have to check.


I’d really really like to have a codito produced game in this tourney. I see on Robs honours list that there were a few Tigris and Euphrates tourneys but those threads have gone from PT. Does anyone know if the iMessage invite system (that replaced game centre) works properly?

Really like the 10 of 12 notion. Can’t find ten games everyone has. But pick 12 or even 15 of the most popular and odds are many here would have at least 10 of them.

I am in. I will buy whatever game I am missing (pretty sure I will have 9 at least)

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I played a T&E game with @Codington as part of testing for the iOS 11 version.

The invite method worked fine … I can’t remember how it worked … but it did.

This sounds awesome. I’d love to play