Terra Mystica 4P "Transformer's Pick" Challenge

confirmative :smile:

@jason1002, we are co-winners!
never have had this before.

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Well played both of you. Please add me to the wait list.

what a close game with two winners!

:pick: :game_die::aries::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::game_die::hatching_chick::aries::baby_chick::microscope:

New challenge game is:
@jason1002 :game_die:
@JammaTal :aries:
@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@JMH.75 :smile_cat:

new wait list:
@Hardco :hatching_chick:
@JHTaube :microscope:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

and another close game. only in my very last turn i could overtake irishdomer, closing the gap of a 133-107 lead of the Cultists.
3 towns, largest chain bonus and 2 temple leads were hardly enough for a win :flushed:
very well played by irishdomer!

:pick: :aries::game_die::aries::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::game_die::hatching_chick::aries::baby_chick::microscope:

i want to take a break now and will go the wait list.

so next challenge game is:

@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@Hardco :hatching_chick:
@JHTaube :microscope:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

wait list:
@jason1002 :game_die:
@JMH.75 :smile_cat:
@JammaTal :aries:

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What a comeback @JammaTal!

New game is created @duckworp chooses faction first

something like that can be expected from the “Master of Heavy Games” (what a nice and catchy appellation by Snotty) :innocent: LOL

ah, no, TM is nothing but just another light Euro, right?

haha, just kidding :blush:

serious: i did not expect to win, but i knew i could stage a strong finish.
a 3rd town and a nice bonus tile were a good foundation, but key was to set you back for 6 points in the temple and to win 9 last-minute-points in those sacred halls.

there are players who say TM would be a “simultaneously played solitaire”.
what a nonsense!
fierce competition all the way through and always trying to outguess opponents.

can it be that TM is “the one game to rule them all”?

btw i would give a little finger for a digital Gaia Project!

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The latest game has finished.
@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@Hardco :hatching_chick:
@JHTaube :microscope:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

And in an unexpected turn of events (at least for me), I was able to claim victory using the Witches faction. Mike, with the Giants, really gave me a run for the money at the end game. Both of my cities required bridges and the Witches’ ability to place settlements across the map helped me gain the largest number of tiles. Well played by all!

TerraForming Victory Record:
:pick: :microscope::aries::game_die::aries::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::game_die::hatching_chick::aries::baby_chick::microscope:

Next challenge game is:

@JHTaube :microscope:
@jason1002 :game_die:
@JMH.75 :smile_cat:
@JammaTal :aries:

Wait list? edited

@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

Great win Joe!

I’d like to go back on the wait list

Yes, on the wait list please.

hello @JMH.75, it’s your turn to pick your people for some time.

Sry, I did not get any notification.

exactly what i had presumed, and the reason why i have sent the message.

The latest game has finished.
@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@Hardco :hatching_chick:
@JHTaube :microscope:
@duckworp :baby_chick:

And in a second unexpected turn of events, I was able to claim victory using the Swarmy “things are more expensive” faction. Even with the fewest claimed tiles (just 8) I was able to track with the round-by-round bonuses and claim enough points from the cult tracks. At one point @JammaTal stole a planned expansion site out from under me, but perhaps vertical expansion rather than horizontal is better suited for these creatures anyway? Well played by all!

TerraForming Victory Record:
:pick: :microscope::microscope::aries::game_die::aries::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::game_die::hatching_chick::aries::baby_chick::microscope:

Next challenge game is:

@JHTaube :microscope:
@irishdomer08 :race_car:
@duckworp :baby_chick:
@jason1002 :game_die:

Wait list:

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Good game. My 2 halfling towns were cut off from each other because of my opponents, never to meet and form a network.

Please add me to next game.


Game over, thanks for the game all.

:pick: :baby_chick::microscope::microscope::aries::game_die::aries::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick::game_die::hatching_chick::aries::baby_chick::microscope:

Who is on the wait list now?

@JammaTal, @JMH.75, @jason1002, Are you all up for the next TM game?

Oh sure but I am not picking the Engineers this time. It’s been awhile since I got that low of a score. I don’t know what happened.

Feel free to add the expansion to our game, to give more faction choices.

I’m ready :grinning:

We need one more:
@irishdomer08 or @JammaTal or @JHTaube or @robthomasson…anyone want to be the fourth?

I’ll play another round!