Stately Citizen Journalism

I was pretty sad when my notification ended after “done”, and then I opened it up to find out it was still another 3 weeks!


am i totally overexcited right now or is it just the normal madness after having played too many Cthulhu Realms matches?
but whatever, i am really excited!

holy moly! guess i must change my avatar again :flushed:
he does not look like excited at all.
or just a case of understatement excitement?

He really doesn’t.

He looks like he just tried to start an online game of Neuroshima Hex.


:joy: :grin:

i’m superexcited for the incoming new NH client.

Good you mentioned it yourself Jamma. Really asked myself why you changed from the good old ape to an avatar that looks neither happy nor bright :joy:

a) i was in a bad mood then, totally disappointed by Tokaido release without async MP, and by then still sucking Potion Explosion async MP (breakthrough seems achieved now) and by some Faeria issues (5 updates later it runs much better).
b) always a good chuckle when i look at “him”. just so funny.

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Theft, sabotage, backstabbers, but sadly, no asynchronous multiplayer. Also free for the next hour.

Solitaire + Missile Command, releases this week.

Did anyone else get into the Through the Ages beta? I could use some games against friendly faces…

WHAT!? Damnit, first I’m hearing of it.

Didn’t sign up as I’d rather give it a go on the phone and it’s iPad or Tablet only right now.

Thanks for the link - missed that when it came out. Email sent, although they’re probably full up on testers…

I’m pretty excited about this one - supposed to be coming out for mobile and PC later this year. Seems like a dystopian survival / puzzle type game, but the music and visuals grabbed me in a big way.

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I’m in Hardco. I’m Neumannium in there. Start a game and I’ll jump on sometime later tonight.

It’s installed on my phone and works fine. Screen resolution isn’t there yet (it’s 4:3, so fills only center of my 6S screen), but it works…

I was enjoying playing Through the Ages on my phone so much, I didn’t even realize it wasn’t filling the screen…

There should be a 2p game awaiting you.

I applied even though they said they want experienced through the ages players, which I am not. I figured if you dont ask then you dont get.

For those who don’t get the newsletter, Slitherine/Matrix is having a 30% off Easter Weekend sale on all of their titles (except Polaris Sector and Victory and Glory: Napoleon). Coupon code is HappyEaster.

Prison Architect Mobile soft-launched in the Netherlands. Looking forward to this one, even if it is free with IAP unlocks.

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Some sweet screenshots and a link for beta testing Carrier Deck, the latest from devs Every Single Soldier (Vietnam '65 and Afghanistan '11).

editing because I’m so psyched for this one, I typed the name wrong…

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