Stately Citizen Journalism

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Say what???

Huh. I didnā€™t even know I could do that. Will try to amend.

EDIT: Okay, I think I fixed it. Let me know if itā€™s still not working.

Are there any profile badges or anything for being a complete and utter doofus?

I just realized that there are picture captions when you touch the pictures (iOS)ā€¦

I may have broken Kirk Lazarusā€™s ruleā€¦


Disc Drivinā€™ 2 has been launched in EU and will soon come to America.
i hold back my first impressions.
let me just say itā€™s a FTP with IAPs.

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Is that the disc flicking one you guys had a tournament of at PT? I feel like I missed out on that one.

yeah, that epic PT vs Qt3 rumble.

So was the first one, but I assume you are describing it in a bad wayā€¦ Hopefully it is more Disc Drivinā€™ and less Danger Boatā€¦

Oh wait, it is out. Letā€™s seeā€¦
Yeah, I canā€™t see this replacing Disc Drivinā€™. Having to decline to watch a video to use a mulligan every turn is unacceptable.

iā€™m playing in 5 online games right now.
the physics are good, animation and scrolling is soft, elevations on the courses are great, the new two-swipes-in-one-turn mechanic isā€¦strange at first but we can get used to.

iā€™m worried about the way the IAPs are done. consumable coins and cards?
can the in-race pop-up ads be removed by buying the basic ā€œDeluxe Drivinā€ 5,49 (ā‚¬) package?

EDIT: yes, the pop-up ads are removed by buying that basic package.
having to watch a video if wanting to take one of the three mulligans per race cannot be removed.
but who wants to take a mulligan? and if so, some punishment for being such a whimp seems ok :grimacing:

i just won my first random game and was promoted to level 2, unlocking Oil Slick and earning 25 coins. i bought a card, getting a passive ability (immunity to bumpers).
if these rewards were permanent we would have a kind of RPG style upgrade and customization dimension. that would be nice.

the gameplay is slick and nice, so iā€™m a bit undecided right now.
butā€¦playing in 9 games tells a story too :thinking:

This review mentions that the $5 Deluxe package does not entirely remove adds. On top of that, it also states that you can grind out distinct advantages for online play.

Why did they go and ruin a good thing? I donā€™t want double swipes, I donā€™t want more powers, I donā€™t want ads; I want an update to a great game. I want Pitch Car on my phone with modular tracks and asynchronous play.

Yeah, the game starts with Speed boost as the only available skill. I assume you unlock and upgrade different power-ups through playing or through money, making online play an uneven playing field. Why would they think people want that?

Having played the first few levels, Infinite West appears to be exactly ā€œHoplite Goes Westā€, a straight-up reskin with extremely minor differences (special moves refreshing based on collectable charges rather than an energy/cooldown system being the main one). Does it diverge sufficiently in the later game to make it worth buying, even at launch discount, if I already have Hoplite?

Is the original Disc Drivin no longer playable?

This is incredibly disappointing. Hopefully theyā€™ll listen to feedback and course-correct.

Wow, if the Q1 claim checks out, thatā€™s a lot faster than I thought.

Yeah, and I just donā€™t get it. I donā€™t know if the original was a commercial success or not, but someone sat around thinking, ā€œHmmā€¦how to improve on my original game? What do the fans want? Oh, I know! Ads! Oh, and even more ads that you canā€™t remove even if you pay! What else? Oh, Iā€™ve got it, no punishment for mistakes! Yesā€¦if you mis-flick, how about the ability to flick again? Even better, letā€™s throw in mulligans! Of course, Iā€™ll have to tie some adds to those. Anything else? Oh, I know! How about complete disparity online so that the more money you spend the easier it is to beat people? Yeah, thatā€™s what was missing from my first game. The fans are going to eat this up!ā€


Iā€™ve played it some more, and the updates to the engine are nice. But it really needs the option to disable mulligans, and some way to have a balanced online game. Unfortunately both of those things discourage people from spending money. From my perspective, all theyā€™ve done so far is discourage me from dropping the $5 to get rid of some of the adsā€¦


4.5/5 stars at the Chuckle Hut:

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Iā€™m shocked.

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As much as I hate the free to play model, the game is fun though. Even the second swipe is okay, because it speeds the pace of games up a bit, and fixes the issue where the winner is the person that doesnā€™t fall short of the corners the most.

Mulligans are biggest problem though. Even without people cheaping out and getting extra tries, theyā€™re annoying already because you have to acknowledge the end of the turn every time.

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the camera is very annoying. having to take the second swipes, accelerators and turbo into the unknown at corners often is a road to ruin :angry: