Sagrada Tournament master thread

SpiceTheCat over Hardco. Good game! The last re-roll of the dice was worth 10 points, so that was a bit lucky.

JS over @JaneHatke, gg!

@js619, good game. Congrats!

Great game @robthomasson
You would’ve won if weren’t for the surfeit of green sixes boosting my private bonus score.

Nicely done, you took your opportunities well.

Meanwhile, it is not clear if I will manage a win in this tourney. But I could surprise myself …

Hardco over @geigerm in a close one!

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Big win, Mike! Congrats!

Good game, Rob!

@SpiceTheCat over @Mirefox by a lot. Don’t have the screen grab or score at the moment. GG!

Everything just fitted together :blush: good game!

SpiceTheCat over @JHTaube. Close game with a strange scoring mix. Good game!

So close!!! Great game

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23 games recorded to here, so just over 2 rounds done. The table as it stands:

Player Played Points Won
SpiceTheCat 5 285 5
johnl 4 197 3
js619 4 186 3
irishdomer08 3 176 3
JHTaube 6 257 2
Hardco 4 205 2
JaneHatke 4 160 2
whovian223 4 183 1
geigerm 4 158 1
Mirefox 4 149 1
robthomasson 4 176 0

All the tie breaks are resolved by cumulative score at the moment, as the head-to-head matches are not complete.

Game tracker - reported games shown in strikethrough. Thanks to everyone for the good progress :slight_smile:

Artisan Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5
JHTaube johnl SpiceTheCat whovian223 Hardco js619
Mirefox JHTaube johnl SpiceTheCat whovian223 Hardco
robthomasson Mirefox JHTaube johnl SpiceTheCat whovian223
irishdomer08 robthomasson Mirefox JHTaube johnl SpiceTheCat
JaneHatke irishdomer08 robthomasson Mirefox JHTaube johnl
geigerm JaneHatke irishdomer08 robthomasson Mirefox JHTaube
js619 geigerm JaneHatke irishdomer08 robthomasson Mirefox
Hardco js619 geigerm JaneHatke irishdomer08 robthomasson
whovian223 Hardco js619 geigerm JaneHatke irishdomer08
SpiceTheCat whovian223 Hardco js619 geigerm JaneHatke
johnl SpiceTheCat whovian223 Hardco js619 geigerm

JS over @SpiceTheCat - gg! My private objective of blue tiles really paid off, as I was able to grab all 5’s and 6’s.

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Storming win, and my last hopeless rerolls wouldn’t have closed the gap. Good game :+1:

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Forgot to take a screenshot, but @js619 over whovian223.

Jon, could you do the screenshot?

I only let him win because of his promotion. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hah! The blue private goal carried me again, I think! GG!

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The exception that proves the rule …

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