Patchwork Tournament - Jan/18

Myself over @kennfusion, 23 to 6, to make me 3 and 3 and advance to the next round (according to Challonge at least)… GG all!

So I did not do very well overall, but had fun. I like that game.

Group B is complete and waiting on Group A. It appears that it is mostly @Ids games that we are waiting on. I assume those are all in progress?

Yes, my game with IDS is in progress

Hardco (37) over @Ids (6)

I got a better economy going early without sacrificing too many good pieces. I forced a 6 point pass, and filled up my board early, passing for the last few rounds. Good game!

Great game , my only game left ( i think) is to play Spice the Cat , i have sent a friend request to start a game.

Might be worth giving them a wee nudge like this @SpiceTheCat


Oops. Ok, accepted @Ids‘s request. Good to go…

Edit: hm, or not. Sent a friend request, hope that works.

hardco (26) over @SpiceTheCat (23)

Super tight game, with SpiceTheCat getting most of the “best” pieces and the 7x7 bonus. All I could do from the start was try to keep ahead on income and hope it would be enough in the end. Good game!

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And finally, @SpiceTheCat 13 @Ids 10

Excellent close game, @Ids grabbed the 7x7 bonus one turn ahead of me, and the lead changed hands more or less every go until the end. Gg :blush:

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Does challonge spit out the knock out stage on its own, or does @kennfusion need to press a button

Sorry, was busy this weekend, forgot to check if all th games were done.

OK, you all are on to your final state. Good Luck all.

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Good luck everyone. It’s a single game elimination, right (not best of 3)?

Yeah, supposed to be single game elimination. I think I set it up right like that. I just checked the settings and it is not clear. I think it is just what we say it is.

it’s up there.

Me 31 @johnl -11. One of those games where hole-filling pieces and button-giving pieces arrived at the right times, despite a messy start. Gg.

GG @geigerm, you played a strong game and the score belied the pressure you put me under.

Looks like it’s me and you @SpiceTheCat, Ive sent you a friends request but I don’t think it matters who starts the game if shuffle mode is on


@Snotty128 GG and congrats on the win!

Accepted and started the game. Good luck!

Semi-final done: SpiceTheCat 42 @Snotty128 2.

And on to the final, where, oh no, it’s @KYakerDude against whom I have a poor W-L record. Well, maybe it’ll be different this time :wink:

Game started, good luck!


I was all at sea for that game. I knew I was in deep trouble when my fall back tactic became ‘hope spicethecat fills up his board so he doesn’t have space for new pieces’ :joy:

I’ll send an invite to @JammaTal for the bronze place final