Let's build some Castles in Burgundy! 1st SP CoB Championship

wow! only one round played in the same time when we have finished the whole game :flushed:

there must have been (some?) timeouts, right?

@SleepingGiant dragged us through the game as he was the long-time leader.

I can’t see the game. Have I been kicked? I ended up being out all day on Saturday so I’ll have missed the 24 hour timer. Feel free to continue without me

sometimes it takes a loong time before the running game(s) appear.
then it helps to call up the profile, and then to go back to running games.

the game does not kick players.

Our game was/is (obviously) very slow. Whenever I got bored (and/or worried about a missing notification) I went in and memory says that oftentimes there was a timeout for @feederofgoats (the player ahead of me in the turn order). Nothing said here I saw in another thread that @feederofgoats was moving house so that would explain the lack of time for this game.

As @JammaTal said, I would not expect the game to kick anybody and I have not done that knowingly. Even if some trigger number of timeouts was reached they why @Snotty128? Eh?

So I am not sure that @Snotty128 should throw himself on his sword (unless he really wants to).

Sorry - yes I have been the main reason the game is running slowly. Lots of stuff at work and home at the moment. I think I have twice triggered the timeouts by an hour or two.

@Snotty128 you are currently after me in the turn order but I noticed yesterday and today that your turn happened instantly I finished mine which suggests you’ve been replaced by a computer player. I definitely didn’t kick you

How do we handle this?

I am not okay with @Snotty128 taking the hit … unless he really really really wants to drop out of the tourney. Keeping him in would mean playing again which would be a drag for the already declared finalists.

We should wait to see what our esteemed leader has to say. After all, it his pleasure and privilege to resolve anything and everything that happens in this tourney … :smiley:

I would like to keep playing as this is shaping up to be a nail biter of a tournament, and I’ve still got a chance of making the final.

i suggest to start a new game if all players are ok with it.

we will patiently wait for you when the new game will run at a decent/normal speed. no wizardry needed, just a reasonable speed.

@Snotty128, can you do the setup again? let’s hope that the regular map will not come up again.

All good by me …

All good with me too

Ok, done! Invite sent

Thank you … joined …

good news!
best luck to all of you!

We are done. “It could not have been closer” for second place …

The game was tight throughout… but everything just fell into my lap in the last round and I completed a 21 point area in each of my last two turns. Well played by all.


take it with a grain of salt!

we know of an end game bug which sometimes occurs (and is documented in screen recordings on my device).
it can happen that unsold good are not accounted for in the final victory points scoring. for the last player in player sequence.

i have asked Rob to take a screen recording of the replay and we will check it.
btw i have reported that bug to digidiced long ago (by ingame bug report and by email to support) but never got an answer.
very disappointing.

@Snotty128 and @feederofgoats, did you notice that bug in the end game victory points calculation?

and now to another VERY DISTURBING rulebook issue!

a complete rule discrepancy in german and english rules for solving tie breaks!

the same for ingame PDFs and hardcopy paper rulebooks in my boardgame copy.

“…mehr leere Felder” is the exact opposite of “…fewest empty spaces” :flushed:

what a rules blunder! i guess there must be an errata sheet on BGG?
whatever, german rules may be the original rules, but the english rules are more reasonable and english is the “world language”. so we go by these rules.
and so does obviously the app, made by german designers :smirk:

dammit! not so!
in an errata on BGG the translator Patrick Korner admits his translation error.

robthomasson reported to me that only @Snotty128 had unsold goods, so whatever they have been correctly accounted for or not, Snotty must be

officially declared second place winner and going into the final.

sorry for the confusion @feederofgoats :disappointed:

and now i have to deal with digidiced’s support again.
i guess they won’t be interested to improve their app…again :frowning_face:
but i think i must try my best.

Sadly I believe my score was correct and my goods were accounted for. I did take a variety of screenshots including quite a clear shot of my board before final scoring. I’ll try to add it here

The rule book being different in different languages creates quite a twist though.

Great game everybody - I confess that these last few turns I have been playing without watching the replay to try and fit the game into the very small spots of free time that you get while on holiday with three children under 10!

I’m happy to go with whatever is the consensus on tie breaks…