King of the Hill - Multi-Game - 3-Player - League

No changes for me.

Good luck! If hardco sweeps the field, I might be forced to come out of retirement


Of course Hardco gets to go first and the game gifts him the only mine on the open, for a board that early mines are critical!


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exactly one of those combos which make me sceptical about Wingspan :confounded:
and easy to get! it just happens.

Yeah, I agree. But in this case they let it happen!

Nor for me

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I didnā€™t get a screen cap of the scores, but I believe it was:
Hardco 209
@geigerm 207
@kennfusion 179

Or something like that?


Off by 1 point for the two of us, but yeah ā€¦

Very good game ā€¦ @hardco jumped out to an early lead, Kenn and I fought back, and I managed to very briefly take a small lead on my last turn, but it wasnā€™t enough!

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OK, time for the next game and our next challenger is @JMH.75. Please take a look at @Hardco list of games and let us know which you pick for your challenge.

That will be TtA

Ok, so @JammaTal will be the 3rd player in a game of TtA. @JMH.75 please send out the challenge in game.

@geigerm you and I are able to change out any games on our list. I will keep mine the same.

Iā€™ll keep mine the same for now, too.

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Challenge send. Game: SP King of the Hill


Sadly, Hardco managed to get the lead in the last 2 turns. Congrats!

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Ok, and @Hardco is making a run, which we expected. But I have faith in this next challenger. @Codington you are up. Please challenge @Hardco in one of the game from his list.

@JMH.75 and @JammaTal if you wish to change any games on your lists, please let me know.

Well Iā€™m tempted to say Wingspan as practice for the Decathlon (:wink:) but in terms of my best chance for dethroning @Hardco the King, I think the choice must be Puerto Rico.

@kennfusion - am I understanding the mechanics of the league to say that @JMH.75 is our third player? (Because thatā€™s the next match on the list for Puerto Rico.)

Once thatā€™s confirmed or corrected, Iā€™ll send an inviteā€¦

@Codington you are correct, @JMH.75 is the next player with Puerto Rico on his list, so will be your third player. Please let me know once the game has started.

Interestingly, he and @JammaTal both have the game on their list, but @JMH.75 was put back on the list first because of him coming in second.

Well, thereā€™s my first small victory - I understood the rules! :wink::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl:

Invite sent to @Hardco and @JMH.75 - best of luck and donā€™t forget to feed your colonists! (Oh wait, I think Iā€™ve been playing that other game too muchā€¦)


Good game all! I honestly didnā€™t think Iā€™d catch @JMH.75, but as usual, military might prevailed!

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