How's everyone doing?

I’m sure if you just talk to him …


No him here. Who runs my world? Gorls.

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At least you have the test scores for validation. My 8 year old refuses to actively participate in the testing because, and cue sassy hip jut, “Daddy, I know I’m smart. You know I’m smart. They know I’m smart. I shouldn’t have to prove it to anyone by taking some dumb test.”

Insert gif of me smiling cause how could you not and my wife losing her shit on daughter 1 for the comment, me for laughing, and daughter 2 for happening to inadvertently wander through the line of fire.


Wait, what? Are you talking to me?

Sorry, I wasn’t listening.


Ha! A different sort of struggle right there but still quite painful. Our daughter enjoys the tests; partly because she’s way results-oriented, partly because she’s a perfectionist like her mother (which also causes no small amount of headaches with her violin playing, let me tell you), and partly because my wife lets her have Smarties whenever she wants during the testing.

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So Smarties do actually equate to smarter…just as I always suspected : )


Maybe it’s psychosomatic. Maybe it’s Maybelline. But you can’t argue with results!


This is a serious question–have you had her hearing checked? She is so off the charts on everything, it doesn’t make sense that she’s almost in the 50s on Listening. But if she had an actual undiagnosed hearing issue, that would make a lot more sense. Just something that occurred to me (being a hyper-observant, paranoid parent myself) (“OMG, what if my son has scurvy?!?!”).

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Well, listening is not literally tied to hearing here. It’s more a section where you listen to instructions and answer questions accordingly. She kept picking answers that made sense in her internal logic (and sometimes even make more sense in the real world) but not within the confines of the situation laid out in the directions. She’s very Midvale, just like her old man.

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When most of what one hears is pitched at those who understand less easily than oneself, careful attention is horribly stultifying. I think there’s merit in the view that one must eventually learn to accommodate this, but it is not a skill I’d advocate practicing early.


Why improve ventilation or otherwise take any measures which would improve things but entails spending money when you can just pretend it’s not happening?


We can’t aim for perfection. She’ll be right mate is about as close as we will get.

And there will be some losers in the mix somewhere

I’d rather vaccinate than infect millions of kids and tens of millions of adults. That’s just me though.

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As someone commented on Twitter, the Republicans are wholly deracinated. All they stand for anymore is fascism, corruption, misogyny, and death. Lots and lots of death.


The director of immunization programs the Tennessee Department of Health was fired for giving vaccine advice to teens. Not sure when the anti-vaxxers got their hooks into the GOP but this is disgusting.


I think they always have, but Trump built an expressway into cuckoo-bananas land.


Dammit—now they’re ruining Cloud-Cuckoo-Land?!?


One hesitates to use the term ‘death cult’ but I’m struggling to see the argument for more cervical cancer.

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