I hope so, I normally just hit the “Claim All” button at the top, so don’t always pay attention to what’s going on with that Mail rewards screen … however the fact that I suddenly had Seals as a reward in my mail was what clued me in that something was different than before.
Each day’s winner (for the daily Guild War) will receive 50 Seals each (that count for your Guild, but do NOT count towards your cap), and a 24 hour 50% XP buff.
It’s subtle, but as Debris says, the level of the statue colors drives the points bonus for that color’s day, level 84 brown statue gives “+45% per Brown Troop”, level 89 blue gives “+47% per Blue Troop”:
I have been running a brain dead Goblin defense team (Crimson Bat, Goblin Shaman, Goblin, Marsh Raptor) since my expectation is the AI doesn’t try to understand what the team composition is trying to accomplish, so I can’t rely on the AI to make good decisions. (I do feel a little bad that my opponents may feel cheated by my lack of imagination.)
If my Goblin team hits some good matches, I like to think it will power up the Goblin and Marsh Raptor. The Marsh Raptor is there to cover yellow and in the last slot to catch the excess green that spills over since the Goblin fills up so rapidly, and the Marsh Raptor dealing damage to the weakest enemy hopefully keeps the AI from botching the attack. Crimson Bat covers the red & blue for me (plus the blue synergizes with the Marsh Raptor), does True Damage so hopefully the AI won’t botch it, and hopefully the Life gain will help him recover lost health and tank in that first slot a bit. Goblin Shaman turns brown and purple into green to feed my team, and hopefully provide Life to somebody who needs it. And the extra turns, of course.
I do not know what a reasonable expectation is for defense victories, but I do see some so feel that it’s not completely worthless. However, having more experience/frustration against freeze teams, I believe they are successful brain dead defense ones and would like to explore creating some.
I welcome further thoughts on defense teams, as well.
Other aspect … should the defence team for, say, a blue day feature blue troops on the basis that there will likely be blue gems created by the attacker and/or to (hopefully) deny the attacker blue gems, or focus on spamming other colours and/or converting blue gems to other colours?
In any case Falkenstein makes the great point about “AI Friendly” troops. We know the AI will always take a 4 or 5 match so, for example, a Queen Mab that can freeze enemies on those matches is an ever popular choice.
@JammaTal I just realized something, that the main tab under guild for League, which is the PvP ranking we used to be a top 50 guild for, is different than the Guild Wars ranking. I wonder if teams will move up and down brackets based on score during each week? If it’s a typical ladder system, the top few in each bracket should move up, and the bottom few move down.
Ah! I noticed that we have moved up the Guild Wars ranking but had assumed that the initial ranking was as per the league ranking. Your theory could be spot on …
As per your request in the ingame chat to join the discussion, given the fact that folks have a week to do at least some battling in Guild Wars, I support that it is reasonable to request some level of participation.
I can understand if folks can’t do 5 every day, and obviously it’s slanted towards those who can do their matches on the weekends since the 30 battles accumulate during the week. For myself, I mainly do Gems of War on my cell phone, but I can understand that those who may use their PC or console may have issues when out of town.[quote]
Battles aren’t lost if you don’t use them… so you could wait until the final day and play all 30 battles in a row if you like!
For myself, I’m enjoying Guild Wars, and have been using unused keys that I previously wasn’t feeling motivated to open chests with (got my Goblin defense troop to Mythic ), so that I can now work up some teams to try to take advantage of the color bonuses.
wuzz? there is a “Claim All” button? oh dammit, i never paid attention to that.
oh,and damn that button! might be exactly the main reason why very active members keep farming seals etc on daily basis, but don’t seem to be aware of ongoing GW
i don’t talk about more or less inactive “look into GoW once a week” Soldiers.
i’m worried about the active top ranks.
we must try to alarm those members who do play each day and could easily take part in GW by playing 5 of their daily routine PvP battles as GW battles.
in any case new members must accept to contribute to our GW efforts before we accept them.
This is really good to know, I was unaware of it. And actually now that I look at the scores,we had originally won day 2, but now our score is behind. So that must be their late players?
also, I like my purple based team this morning, Gorgotha (not purple, but I hate not playing with him), Amira, Psion, Plague.
Nice! Guild Wars has prompted me to tinker around with new teams, and, as I mentioned above, I had a lot of unused keys laying around that I opened chests with to support fielding new teams.
Some of this was prompted in part by a Bone Dragon defense team that I needed to fight, in the past I would just decline to fight teams that were not a good fit for my offense and move on, but now that’s not an option. So last night I had to fix up a team to take down the Bone Dragon, and also used the opportunity to leverage the red bonus: Hellcat, Alchemist, Goblin Rocket, Goblin Rocket, which had the additional benefit of leveraging his Jarl Firemantle potentially creating red & yellow gems.
In addition, in the past I wasn’t all that concerned about Defense, but now I’m more motivated to try to keep our opponent from reaching that last top point fight that is a big points payoff … that is, if our opponents come from that day’s Guild War’s enemy guild, which is my current understanding. The patch notes lead me to believe this is the case, but if somebody has a clearer understanding, please let me know.
My previous Defense that I posted above was influenced, naturally, by the troops that I had available at the time, and has been pretty static (however it has improved over time with more traits and now a Mythic level Goblin). But, in addition, they’ve now changed the Marsh Raptor in this month’s 3.0 Guild Wars patch, making a tanky blue in the first slot even more important, IMHO:
Marsh Raptor
Spell Change:
Damage, now gains x4 boost from Blue Allies (to synergize with Water Link)
Change bonus on enemy kill from Attack + Magic buff to Create X Blue Gems if the enemy dies.
So, with all the chests that I’ve opened I was able to consider and fully trait other options, the bottom line being that I’ve swapped out the Crimson Bat with the popular (on defense, anyway, not for those who have to face him) Emperor Khorvash!
So, now appearing on stage for the defense, for Team Falkenstein: Emperor Khorvash, Goblin Shaman, Goblin, Marsh Raptor!
Especially with the recent 3.0 nerf to Bone Dragon, my take on unpopular defensive teams to face often include Emperor Khorvash, Queen Mab and Famine, so I’m giving those a closer look, apologies to future attackers who may be frustrated, but all’s fair in love and Guild Wars.
I also need to fully trait some troops.
I have a lot of traitstones, besides runic ones.
What is the best way to get runis traitstones nowadays?
Explore? Specific chests? Treasure maps?
Explore is probably the best way to get runic traitstones, particularly as you can target the traitstones you want. You just need to find a team which can exterminate weak stuff fast. The dragon soul is great for that due to its AoE and also soul generation if you have it.
I found a use for the only mythic I have to make a 4 green team that works … Wulfgarok, Forest Guardian, Wulfgarok, Druid. That team works surprisingly well fully traited.
For farming I use Bombot. This team is most effective for players who already have the most kingdoms to PL5 and Mythic Bombots.
Deep Borer
Flame Cannon
Hero / Mechanist*** / Black Manacles
Brown x2 Banner
Because of Mechanist’s Fast to all Mechs and the dual Brown banner, a single Brown match fills Bombot. The subsequent AoE is so strong that the only things that will survive are Legendaries and Life Drain troops; in both cases, it’s simple work to fill one of the last two (also-Fast) troops for the kill. Most games end in two turns, some in 3-4. [/quote]
So now my first priority is to fully trait my Mechanist hero. (I had the other troops fully traited already) Another person suggested to swap Black Manacles for Imperial Jewel. So I might give that a try too.
For today I am gonna use my Giant Slime team:
Green Slime***
Green Seer***
Giant spider***
I have been thinking about to remain a semi-casual guild, one that is very understanding that most of us are playing a lot of other games, and our interest in GoW waxes and wanes, and that many of us also want to do well in something like Guild Wars, and that is likely to hold for some time.
So here is my thought, and let’s think about it for a week and give time for people think about.
Proposed Rule: All members are required to play at least 6 Guild Wars matches a week.
Exceptions: Any member can come to this forum and let us know they will be out for a week for any reason.
That is just 1 match a day, or 5 in one day and 1 on another day (or I think someone said they carry over, so all 6 on one day) or whatever.
I don’t think this is much to ask, and I think that most people, with this rule in place, will opt to play more.
My experience matches the patch notes in that they do carry over as you say, in that the attacks accumulate at 5 per day until they reach 30 on the final day and then reset to zero to start a new week of Guild Wars. I did not get started on Guild Wars until Day 2, and I had 10 attacks that I could make that day, which I did.
I’m onboard with semi-casual, I like that people participate but we don’t try to climb the matchmaker ladder to the top ranks where the loss of a single battle is a disaster and guilt that you’ve let the guild down by not being able to maximize your points, walking the tightrope of team composition to leverage the daily color bonus yet still beating that last tough opponent. As well as being able to have the weekend off and not required to be on at the end of the week to fight those last 5 battles … earlier in the week missing a day just means the daily rewards since you can still make those battles up the next day, but if one is unable to battle on the weekend then there is no way to do all 30.
The happy medium, to me, is a guild of folks enjoying Guild Wars and helping the matchmaker place us in a spot among active guilds where we have folks actively enjoying the game and we are competitive in our Guild Wars. And, ideally, all of the current members who are enthused about Guild Wars will not feel the need to look elsewhere to enjoy Guild Wars.
FWIW, I’m finding Queen Mab defense teams not to be a problem for me with an Emperor Khorvash, Manticore, Manticore, Amira team, getting the Impervious and Mana Shield traits seem to be a strong counter to her, in my limited experience, along with the Stuns and Mana Drain. I do have a Queen Mab that’s not fully traited, but am not feeling a strong motivation to do so, now.
I don’t have Famine, so looks like I’ll continue to focus on Emperor Khorvash for defensive teams, but open to other ideas to keep our Guild War opponents from reaching that last high point daily match.