That’s good info, I’m glad to hear that you like the boss difficulty increasing, it lets me know that there is an audience for that sort of thing that the devs are targeting.
For me, I ended up picking up the Xiong Mao raid troop off the store (which is indeed only currently available from the store,, which also comes with the extra currency that gives more matches against the boss, but then it turns out that I just didn’t really care to use the extra tokens for more battles against a boss that was going to just keep increasing in level.
I did my obligatory match this morning, but just went through the motions without really trying, because it felt pointless to me. My reward was going to be an even tougher scaled match next time was my understanding. Unless I’m missing something, I got the feeling that it was inevitable that I would hit a wall, and the option available to me was to then spend gems (money) to just kick that can down the road a bit until I hit that same wall, just further down?
Am I missing something? Otherwise, I think this new mode was designed more for somebody else, and while I should tinker with it while it’s enjoyable, I’m better off enjoying the many other parts of Gems of War that I do enjoy more than this new option.