Gems of War News and Discussions

Well the game is currently bugged. No troop is apparently immune to devour and I just had Wulfgarok killed by mana burn (costing me the game).

It is a bit depressing to build teams around certain traits only to find out they have been disabled. :confused:

yes, itā€™s a hard time just now. itā€™s so frustrating.
i can understand if players want to take a timeout.
so we should not kick inactive players in the next time.

Yeah ā€¦ while I can understand the developersā€™ desire to migrate to Unity to make future development easier, it feels like weā€™re almost back in a beta version of this app. And the issues arenā€™t just on iPad Airsā€“I had a couple of crashes on my iPhone 7+ earlier, too.

Holy smokes, I just lost a game by my Impervious troops getting Mana Burned. :confused:

I have basically switched to soul grinding until they fix the bugs with troops. I am seeing regular updates so I know devs are working on it. On the plus side, I have almost enough souls now to buy a Xathanos weapon.

Hello Guild Members,

My son (voetbaldraak) level up hes kingdomes, some of them are not level 5. He want so much drop gold to the guild task that he not upgrading hes kingdomesā€¦ i see do it both, you drop gold to the guild and level your kingdomesā€¦ he ask how many gold he must drop every week to the guild taskā€¦


Just 20k should be fine. He should get more than that just from all of the keys he gets on Mondays.

Hey thank you for the answere.
Thats not a problem for himā€¦

Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but it sure feels like this game repeats the types of traitstones available for purchase on a fairly regular basis. This week, weā€™re back to Arcane Forest. Iā€™ll still buy some to get closer to traiting out Ketras, although I need some Arcane Beast and Celestial stones as well.

Other useful troops using Arcane Forest:

Famine: if I have to describe the usefulness of Famine, you probably havenā€™t played the game much ā€¦

Yasmineā€™s Chosen: I donā€™t have this troop and havenā€™t seen it in action much, but it looks pretty solid

Sylvanimora: One of my favorite dragon troops, itā€™s a solid exploder and the third trait (Dragon Vines) entangles enemies, making skull-baiting a possibility

Soothsayer: Good low-cost troop to fit into green or brown teamsā€“when fully traited, it starts with full mana, so it allows a solid turn 1 start.

Iā€™m sure there are others, but I donā€™t have or use them ā€¦


I have tried out YC and it feels pretty powerful. Always nice when a troop recharges itā€™s own mana.

Forest Troll, Spring Imp, Yasmineā€™s Chosen, Queen Aurora

Troll and YC are not traited out yet but it feels like one of those decks that can really get a roll on. I might swap out imp for second YC once fully traited as imp is mostly there for the entangle.

Today i play guild wars and this enemy was defeating by my ! Yes ! Proud!


Congrats. This game has turned a bit mean and wins are harder to come by than they used to be.

Yeah, the downside of going up in brackets. I could not beat that triple Kraken team this morning.

I had the same experience with that team. I hate when a match goes from ā€œIā€™ve got this under controlā€ to ā€œoh no, Iā€™m screwedā€ in about 30 seconds.

Yes, I got completely clobbered yesterday. To the point where Iā€™ve changed up my main team, finally. Itā€™s now Wisp, Wisp, Giant Spider, Kraken. Finally was able to trait out senor Kraken thanks to this weekā€™s Venom stones, so I thought, ā€œTime to use this guy!ā€

Yeah, I finished Kraken this week also, I am now running on defense, Carnex, Famine, Kraken, Famine.

I was a little frustrated this morning, but honestly, I prefer the challenge than having it be easy.

If only I could get even a single Famine, Iā€™d be happy. But Iā€™m still looking for a good defense team that doesnā€™t rely on any of the four riders of the apocalypse.

do you have Maab? That team is one of the best non-mythic def teams

Yup, have a fully traited Mab. What team are we talking about? Thereā€™s a few Mab teams around. I have a Jarl/Crimson Bat/Valkyris/Mab I am using for red day, and of course see plenty of Mabs in PVP and GW.

Current defense team is Kerberos/Spider/Forest Guardian/Kerberos. I am getting some ok results (really depends on the guild we are facing).

I have a hard time against Valk/Justice/Mab. I think the most difficult to beat version is Khorvash/Valk/Justice/Mab. I think some versions run with the Sea Troll up front instead.