Actually RainMaker changed their name a while ago, we’re Marthos Guardians now. We teamed up with Anonymous and act as their farm team, so to speak. We fluctuate between Brackets 1-2 on a regular basis.
So what Bracket range does TKK currently compete in? Just curious what sort of team compositions you come up against - for us in MG it’s normally Psion drain spam, Double Wisp variants, Justice/Mab or Forest Troll/Kraken over and over and over again.
Super happy that you guys are still keeping active with the Guild and the game in general - if we ever have people in Anonymous or Marthos Guardians that are burned out from the current requirements (300+ trophies, all 30 GW battles, etc) but still want to play semi-causal could I have permission to send them your way if you have slots open? I really had fun with you guys and sometimes I even think of taking some time away from the top levels but still play and have fun.