Gems of War News and Discussions

Actually RainMaker changed their name a while ago, we’re Marthos Guardians now. We teamed up with Anonymous and act as their farm team, so to speak. We fluctuate between Brackets 1-2 on a regular basis.

So what Bracket range does TKK currently compete in? Just curious what sort of team compositions you come up against - for us in MG it’s normally Psion drain spam, Double Wisp variants, Justice/Mab or Forest Troll/Kraken over and over and over again.

Super happy that you guys are still keeping active with the Guild and the game in general - if we ever have people in Anonymous or Marthos Guardians that are burned out from the current requirements (300+ trophies, all 30 GW battles, etc) but still want to play semi-causal could I have permission to send them your way if you have slots open? I really had fun with you guys and sometimes I even think of taking some time away from the top levels but still play and have fun.


some level 1000+ players have just joined us, together with other very active new members.
not very often i still farm 250 trophies like this week. but i’m only in 7th place.
the most for Emad (1138) and Gaudrok (495).

and for the very first time we came near to maxing out two trophies (11/12).
best weekly gold contributions were 841k (txtaz88), 630k (Debris) and me (575k), followed by many more about 500k.

TKK is in bracket 13 and running into quite the same defenses.
typical Beast defenses with FG/Spider/Kerberos + X
double-Wisps with Krystenax + Emperor/Kraken/Spider etc
Blue Nemesis with Nyx/Valk/Justice/QMab
Apocalypse with double-Famine/Psion + War/Death/Deathknight Hero etc
Dark+Rock Trolls with Elemaugrim/Infernus
and stuff like this.

we would be happy to host players from your guild who want to relax a bit. but GW battles are mandatory :smirk:

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I just got to level 9 forge and the legendary troops to craft are a bit underwhelming. Might save the resources to craft the weapons.

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2x Arcane Spirit this week…this makes me very happy because as I type, I am looking at Abynissia with everything she needs but 4 arcane Spirit, and her whole kit is really more about her third trait…so I will be playing around with some Demons this week.

Abhorath is not really worth using or wasting stones on I would think.

Acolyte is useful for spirit hunting with some deck setups.

Death - if you have, you should trait. One of the few troops I don’t have.

Dragonian Rogue - I find I am using him in CotD Blue and Purple days about twice a day. On blue day, I run him right bhind Krys in the 2nd spot and prioritize hitting purple whenever Krys does not have enchant on. Stealthy and Arcane make this a really nice kit.

Morthani’s Will - One of my favorite troops in the game, brings real versatility to a team.

Plague - I love his third trait, while there is a little RNG there, games where I can consistently hit 4/5 gem matches and he is hitting their attack and magic, it’s just evil fun.

Psion - Works best in the first spot, but has no armor or stoneskin or anything so can be a little vulnerable. I will finish his traits this week and probably try him with Abynissa in the back

Queen Mab - I guess I should finish traiting her this week, but I am not really a fan. Most of the time I find she is easy to take out on enemy teams.

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Out of all those, Psion and Queen Mab traits are the most versatile. I haven’t used Mab in a while but her Freeze trait is becoming much more valuable with this update now that we have AI cascades from nowhere. Also effective vs Wisp and Goblin extra turns.

Speaking of Goblins, OMG are the new Event troops insane! Princess Fizzle with explode + stat increase + extra turn? Sign me up! And Grapple with some pretty heavy AoE dmg + extra turn. Well worth opening Event Keys to get at least one copy of her.

Been experimenting with NoBend Brothers/Princess Fizzbang/Queen Grapplehook/Goblin King (Frozen Banner) and I haven’t lost a PvP battle yet (still early though) Used Frozen to get Fizzle up ASAP and once that first explosion hits, those Goblins are usually off to the races. If Fizzles stat boost hits on Grapple or NoBend magic you’ve already won the match ahead of time :wink: I just have G King there as an emergency summon in case things go south but I only needed to cast him once thus far. Maybe replace him with a second Fizzle or Hobgoblin or something…

EDIT: I decided to place Wisp in the 4th slot instead of Goblin King or another Goblin and boy does this team fire on all four turbocharged cylinders! Wisp Magic Link trait gets Fizz up even faster and y’all know what a Wisp cast can do by now. Jumble + Extra Turn can manipulate the board to get Fizz or NB fired up again. The loss of a 4th Goblin doesn’t really impact Grapple’s AoE that much since you’re extra turning like a madman.
Think I might run NoBend/NoBend/Fizzle/Grapple as my Guild War Defense this week and see how it does. The 2nd Jinx can really stymie the invader. Or maybe use a fully traited Queen Mab in last slot instead of a second NoBend if you have it.


I just got the Goblin Queen from event keys and her third trait is sick, 5 life to all goblins on 4 or 5? Now if I was only not out of arcane light gems right now.

Yeah her third trait is nice but honestly I’ve been winning most of my matches so quickly that the life-gain doesn’t really factor all that much. Honestly the Goblin with the most effective traits on my team is NoBend, Jinx can hurt mana collection more than you think and Agile has saved me a few times.
Not to say that fully traiting GrappleHook isn’t worth it, if you have the stones to spare do it. Just don’t be afraid to run her if she’s not traited :wink:

I’ve found Abhorath to be pretty useful as a tank up front, particularly against Apocalypse troops, because he can regain lost life and attack. But I’ve had him traited out for a while.

I was quite excited to finish traiting out Psion and Death. Maybe I’ll FINALLY put together a solid blue CotD team.

Yeah, he makes sense against Apoc teams. I use a team I call “Can’t Touch This” against Famine/Death teams these days, it’s Carnex, Dryad, Queen Ysabelle, Sylvanmora.

matches against Goblins teams like this are honestly not too much fun.
to bring down 130/113/128/126 life (which can easily grow to 1k for Fizzbang) while trying to not let them go into endless loop-a-palooza mode can take some time or fail at all.
and then…there comes the next Goblin Nemesis :rolling_eyes:

i guess this might happen in this week’s guild war battles again and again :flushed:

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LOL of course shit happens and in this case i won in no time.
but indeed only to see three superfat Goblin Queens and Kings laughing at me in the next PvP screen

:see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

so i left the game. had had 'nuff of it.

These goblin teams have made me run Kraken almost exclusively to get the devours off. You still experience the OTKs every now and then when it gets out of control.

Psion, Kerberos, Abynissia, Plague. It would have been undefeated today if not for a crash on a game I was about to win against Goblins. This was the most solid purple team I think I have run. It really did not care what the opponent was running. Wisps, Krakens, Kerberors, Goblins…it took them all, and even missed almost every devour (20% devour this morning)

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Hello guildmates

Sorry, I do not respond very often here, I have to get used to a discussion on a forum. I see that we had achieved a legendary job last week, really super good!

my son is not active through this chat, his english is not really great this because he is not so old yet. He is very happy with the guild and does the best to deliver a good share.

Dragonsoul (pauzemenu)


I was able to take down the last Goblin team with this composition, barely, thanks for the suggestion! I had to try it since those are the only two “true” Mythics that I have. :sunglasses:

I do need more tips on how to take down the Goblin teams, they are fierce. I’ve put up a Princess Fizzbang, Goblin Rocket, Princess Fizzbang, Goblin King defense team myself.

Anybody tried Gob-stomper in his team? He us brown/yellow so viable for todays CotD.

Gonna try him later as a replacement for Gorgotha in my regular brown team while facing a goblin team.
(Gorgotha***, Cockatrice***, Emperor Korvash***, Soothsayer***)

Yeah, I did. I had 3 Goblin matches this morning, and crashed in 1 of them, beat them once and lost to an endless loop in the 3rd. I would have beat the one that crashed though, and the team I used was Lava Elemental, Gob-Stomper, Behemoth, Famine. Used the banner with the -1 purple.

I had 2 crashes and a loss, it was not a fun morning.

and devs are still clueless?
maybe a memory problem on < 2GB RAM devices?

further code optimization is what we need now.

No, one of the devs posted something gathering information the other day asking a list of questions. So they know there is a problem, they just don’t know what it is. Here is the thread, and I see there is an update:

I guess it’s the iPad Air 1GB Ram that is the problem.

exactly my best bet. because me and Holsten have never suffered a single crash (except at loading) :confused:
but devs should be able to overcome this.