Gems of War News and Discussions

Glory Rewards this week are Arcane Mountain x1 and Arcane Beast x1. I prefer x2 of course, but still if you need them. For instance, I only need 6 Arcane Mountain to finish off my third trait on Famine and…done (that was like live streaming, but not live). Fully traited Famine now! yay me!

Other notable Arcane Mountain troops:
Dragonian Monk - I have been really wanting to use this guy more, barrier is really nice.
Gorgotha - hands down my favorite troop in the game
The Great Maw - I am not a fan, but if you are, here is a chance to finish his traits
Stonehammer, and Gard’s Avatar - I don’t have either, but if I did, I would probably get arcanes for them

For Aracne Beast:
Chimera - this is a great low cost troop with Arcane trait
Gloom Leaf - I am going to finish his 3rd trait this week. He never works out the way I want him to, so will be interesting to see if his 3rd trait makes a difference
Hobgoblin - but I don’t think he really needs agile, as you don’t want him in the front
Desdaemona - I am going to get her to Stealthy this week, I don’t think I will bother with Armor Piercing. Like with Hobgoblin, if she ends up tanking, something has gone really wrong.
Dragon Cruncher - I have been playing him on Green or Red days against dragon teams. I might make the effort to get his Impervious today also, as I always need more impervious troops.
Wayfinder - I have him up to Stealthy, and won’t bother with the 3rd trait. I put him on defense on green day last week and think it got me a few def wins.
Barbearius - Mostly notable as an explode alternative for G/R impervious. If I can grind enough glory this week, I might start working on him.
Draakulis - I don’t have, and I am not a fan really.
Ketras the Bull - his skill and third trait are nice, I don’t have, but wish I did have this guy
Wulfgarok - I don’t have, and probably would only focus on his first 2 traits to start
Kruarg the Dread - I have, but have never used. But it is notable mostly for Impervious. I don’t imagine actually using him as a tank to try to get the Voracious 5%


Thank you @kennfusion … a most useful summary.

I did not have have Gorgotha fully traited until this week’s Glory Rewards appeared. I did not like my all-yellow team, maybe I can improve it now. I had Sunweaver in the first position … nowhere as robust as Gorgotha although it can increase its life and getting half-mana back is handy.


The three Gorgotha Teams I play the most are:
Gogotha***, Emperor Khovash***, Crescendo***, Moloch
Gorgotha***, Queen Ysabelle***, Cresenco***, Moloch
Gorgotha***, Goblin Rocket, Queen Ysabelle, Cresendo

So Gorgotha and Cresendo, but you have to have Cresendo and it was a limited Glory Reward a long time ago.

If I did not have Cresendo I would probably use Crimson Bat instead, as the point is Gorgotha to tank and blow the board up, paired with true damage to all. Then your other two are either going to be some sort of debuff/mana drain and probably another generator. I have been very fond of Queen Ysabelle lately, she makes Gorgotha even beefier and and helps fill the rest of the team. But any true damage will work with him.

Also, important to note when playing Gorgotha, your #1 priority should be to fill him with Yellow and Brown gems. Your banner should almost always have one of those two colors in it. Also, unless the Queen has pumped up his attack, I almost never match skulls with him, I leave them for the AI to match and I focus on killing with true damage.

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I also hate buying single traitstone packs, but I’ve got too many troops on that list to ignore this week. Hoping to trait out Gorgotha, Gard’s Avatar, Ketras, and Wulfgarok. And I don’t have Draakulis, but I’ve found him to be a real pain on defense teams.

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Yep, I also went on a shopping spree for those traitstones. Lots of gold donated already because of buying all those reward packs.


I have not been able to figure out a team that can beat the 2x Cyclops, Gar’Nok teams. If you try to deal with the Cyclops first, Gar’Nok is probably ready to summon into it’s place. If you miss your Devour on Gar’Nok (I missed both attempts), they focus fire your Kerbie and that first cyclops hits so hard, even Gorgotha can’t take much from him.

I even went off brown with wayfinder to cut their attack, but it’s just not fast enough. Maybe need to both wayfinder the cyclops and mana drain Gar’Nok. Definitely not CotD team.

these week’s special Orc teams are really frightening :flushed:
starting half loaded and dealing about 80 damage for only 11 mana and with 123 life/armor they gave me the creeps in battle 4, clobbering Kerberos with two strikes, after he had failed 3x trying to devour.

the final defense team with even stronger 3x Cyclops and Gar’Nok looks very nasty to take on.

is it only me who gets a feeling that Kerberos is out of order since his nerf?
11 fails vs 1 successful devour and 3 failed attempts to create a Warg vs no success is his statistics for me since i keep taking notes. ridiculous :frowning2:


i have a bad feeling about this week’s guildwars.
we might run into lots of Orcs!
i just played some PvP matches and all defenders were Orc teams of all sorts.

i changed my usual all-brown team (Gorgotha/Emperor/Kerberos/Famine) to Cyclops/Cyclops/Kerberos/Famine when going into final battle.
“fighting fire with fire!”

it was a bloodbath. i won with 2 survivors, in spite of Kerberos.
he was a total fail again: 3 fumbled devours vs no success and he failed 5x to create a Warg when i killed the enemies (opposing Gar’Nok had created an Orc).
Famine saved the day. my two Cyclops battled it out with opposing troops, going down eventually.
Kerberos nothing but a waste of tempo and mana.

and you know what? i installed an Orc team as my defense asap :wink:
6-1 defense score so far.

I managed to get through the last defense team with my CotD team: Gorgotha***/Ketras*/Drake Rider***/Soothsayer***. Concentrated on Gar’Nok first and was happy to get out with two troops alive. Came down to hitting them really fast and just trying to deny the colors they needed.

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I have been raising so much stuff, I don’t have the souls or stones to make an Orc team for defense, or I would.

On a positive note, of the 8 recruits, I only have to kick 5 right now, as opposed to all 8 like the last 2 weeks.

Edit: Was able to beat an Orc team right now with my CotD team of Emperor Khorvash, Morthani’s Will, Queen Ysabelle, Astral Spirit. Although I never actually got the Queen powered up, this was mostly about Astral Spirit and Morthani’s Will.

Edit again: Also, my defensive team of Carnex, Spirit Fox, Famine, Morthani’s Will is doing well the past few days. It’s 5/8 this week so far.

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[quote=“kennfusion, post:251, topic:107, full:true”]Also, my defensive team of Carnex, Spirit Fox, Famine, Morthani’s Will is doing well the past few days. It’s 5/8 this week so far.

One of these days, I’m going to pull Famine, trait him out, and get back at all these stupid Famine defense teams I’ve seen …

Finally came up with a blue team I really like today: Abhorath***/Mercy***/Crimson Bat***/Astral Spirit***. Mercy feeds Astral Spirit, which can return the favor if played right, while Abhorath is a strong tank up front–the Huge trait couples nicely with his ability to regain all life. He’s also effective against the Apocalypse “Aspect of” traits that passively attack the first troop–since the Arcane trait increases his magic, the only thing he can’t regain is lost armor.

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Checking in for the first time. Ran blue Khorvash/Borealis/Ysabelle/Mab today with pretty good success; Jarl Firemantle/Moloch/Amira/Crimson Bat hasn’t been the greatest red squad. Thoughts?


Glad you found us here @MadManDan Look like good teams. I used a lot of Khorvash and Ysabelle today, but I tend to switch my team up for every battle in Guild Wars.

HA! I have now beat two Gar’Nok orc teams with no troop losses with the following:

Carnex, Golem, Sir Snothelm, Faunessa

I love that I am using troops I have never used before, as only Carnex was a troop I had previously had in my bag of tricks. I considered Cockatrice instead of golem, to give me the mana drain and a backup entangle.
Faunessa just punishes those orcs, use her against Gar’Nok whenever you can to start.


Quick note that I’ll be away travelling abroad the next two weeks, so there’s a strong chance I won’t be able to play GW or contribute to the guild starting next Monday. Making you aware so you do don’t kick me out! :wink:

As a reminder, I’m Atanor on the application (for some reason, one of the rare app where I’m not Jaels. Probably because there wasn’t any PvP or guilds at the beginning).

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I’m finding the same, Kerberos went from being overpowered to feeling underpowered, to me.

Enjoy your trip!

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For my default base Red offense, I usually run Carnex*** up front, followed by Jarl Firemantle***, Moloch***, Crimson Bat***. I enjoy running it, but if I need more mana drain or more Impervious for anti-Devour, I back off the Red “requirement”.

Where do you see your defense team results?

@Diane In the PvP section under the Stats tab.

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but it’s a mix of guild war and PvP defenses, possibly with different defense teams.
i hope we will get detailed information on guild war defenses some day.

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