Gems of War News and Discussions

Wulfgarok … wherefore art thou? Such a Beast is beyond my ken … :slight_frown:

Guess I will just have to manage with more mundane troops :pray:

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don’t worry, Rob.
nice as he was in the first 4 chapters, i’ve got the feeling that it’s about time to replace him now. in all last battles vs 3 and 4 towers he definitely was the least useful team member.
the more towers, the less useful. and he is too slow for what he can do then.
thinking on replacing him by the hero with the Crescendo (TD to all enemies) or the Cursed Blade (deal damage equal to attack of an enemy) or Dark Sword (triple damage vs users of yellow mana) or Staff of Visions (+21 to an ally’s random skill + barrier and 3-15 mana) or Cauldron (double an ally’s attack + 26 life) or Beastly Bow or Mang again.
or Hellcat (transform a selected mana color to red + deal 16 damage), useful for loading up the Siegebreaker and closing a mana gap.

I have got as far as the Citadel with Wulfgarok (usually can get him to 170/250 which is enough to one-shot all towers without skull mitigation). I can definitely see him starting to lose effectiveness soon though as towers start to whittle away his health faster than I can buff it.

same for me.
then i switched to the Siegebreaker as tank.
buffed by the Fenris he can do even better skull damage and spell damage as well.
Forest Guardian still very useful. in a good moment he can blow up the whole board. and even for only one skull match the barriers can save the day.
many options for fourth slot.

I do have Forest Guardian but without the last two traits. I have no Arcane Light stones and can only make 5 easily in the Soulforge. My Fenrir has no traits …maybe it was the lack of Wulfgarok which stopped me developing those troops … but I certainly have not been using them hence the lack of buffing on them.

My last battles have been with Mang | Hellcat | Stone Shaker | Giant Spider. But that line-up is starting to wear thin. I see my next level has three towers in the opposition team. So if multiple towers get barrier something that hits all enemy troops will be handy. Time to look again at the GoW bestiary … and maybe Fenrir & Forest Guardian will figure even without all their traits.

My Orb of Chaos was Ascension … which will no doubt come in handy at some point but the Trait one would have been great right now.

hero weapon Crescendo deals true damage to all enemies/towers and there are many more weapons of all mana colors which deal normal area damage.

and i have noticed that the explosions of 3 brown gems which the Stone-Shaker initiates are quite useful for removing barriers automatically.

in higher levels Stone-Shaker’s x3/x4/x5 skull damage gets more and more important, much more than his spell damage ever was.
so Cauldron (double an ally’s attack and add 26 life) could be used instead of Fenrir for buffing the Rhino’s base attack.

@JammaTal As always, thanks for the tips.

So far the team I mentioned above has held together … maybe I just had a couple of unsuited/unlucky battles. So the need to rethink is not yet upon me … yet …

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I still feel pretty “meh” about the two new modes. Initially liked the Raid Boss but hit a wall and didn’t play the last two days, while the Invasion mode has already gotten a bit tiresome to me. Both modes feel a lot like something out of MtG: Puzzle Quest, which I gave up on a while ago. I’m all for promoting variety in teams, but if the best solution is going to involve me throwing a bunch of gems at new troops/weapons every week, I’m not a fan.

Looking forward to returning to Guild Wars next week.

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the last 1350 gems which i had spent for 150 normal gem chests had not brought along a single useful creature. felt like total stagnation.
so i was ready for a change. and for much less gems i got some decent fun in the last two weeks.

but looking forward to good ol’ guild war now too.

i have found and (with the help of orbs) traited a promising new all-red team during both events :+1:
can’t wait to see if it can cure my red weak spot in upcoming guild war.

i would prefer a cycle of Guild War/Boss Raid/Guild War/ Invasion/Guild War.

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I was able to complete the troop that I was focusing on, now it’s on to learning about improving my Hero and Hero classes. I have not done anything since that big update with classes for the Hero, does anyone have a recommended guide that they’ve used? If not, I’ll just use Google to educate myself on the “new to me” Hero features. :slight_smile:

i would recommend to take a look at the traits of the hero classes.
many are nothing special. but some are great, like eg the traits of Archer, Deathknight, Assassin, Bard (for yellow teams) or Orbweaver.

and some hero classes can give you access to interesting unique weapons too, like eg Assassin’s Serpentine Dagger, Deathknight’s Crypt Keeper, Oracle’s Staff of Visions or Orbweaver’s Spider Totem.

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Nice! Do you have a recommendation on which one(s) to focus on first? I mainly just need them, at this time, for these new Boss Raids and Tower things.

i recommend the Archer. and i know that Rob has changed from Deathknight to Archer too.
but itm i’m using no hero in invasions. simple team of 2xSB (no mythic)/Fenrir/Forest Guardian does an excellent job. have only lost one battle.

but in next Boss Raid he will be back, with Mang in hand :smirk:

Man, I’ve got to remember to come out here more often! Some of this advice would have been so helpful when I was fighting the same battles.

Still picked up a few new ideas to explore, so thanks team!

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guild chat is down again (and again and again and again) for me.
so an ingame discussion is impossible.

i think TKK may be at a turning point.
i must admit that i’m starting to lose interest in the Boss Raid and Tower events.
i really liked it for some time. but not any longer. uninspiring and repetitive grindfests on the long run.

i personally would prefer a guild of Guild War veterans who like to play in Guild Wars but are ok to take a two-week’s break in between.

and i don’t think that steeper requirements can help to cure the inactivity of 50% of all members.
kennfusion once kicked them all, but our then mini-guild suffered from that action for a long time. because a 12-member guild is not attractive for new players to join.

i’m ok with turning down the job as guild master though.
or founding a new guild called “Guild Wars only”.

who would be interested to take over?
i think txtaz is engaged and would be a good leader.
but i can only warn to force up the requirements too much.
we simply have not the members who would be ready for that.
even active veterans may not be able to check 1000 seals, 100k gold, 50 trophies and all (boss and tower) raids.
regarding the raids i would pass on the long run. i played down all sigils for many weeks and know how long this can take.

generally i’m still upset by the dev’s decision to cut down the great guildwar feature for installing money grinder events for 2 of 3 weeks.

I’m with you in that I generally play Boss Raid/Tower events for a few days and stop as soon as I plateau, which can be very early if the right troops aren’t in play. I think I might have played the last tower event for two days only. Guild Wars are much, much more interesting to me.

I’d worry that we’ll lose some top-tier members if we become less active, but as long as I can play Guild Wars, I’ll be 100% active those weeks and contribute what I can during the others.

i have read through forum posts on and can confirm that many players think so.

many regrets about loss of playing time for guild wars.
many complaints about the “boring endless grind-for-nothing” in the events.

it’s ok for me to not kick players who are more or less inactive in events’ weeks.
only if they have stopped playing completely in guild war week too.

very active players may be uncomfortable with this, but as long as we can’t find more active players and have free guild slots it makes no difference anyway.

With you both … GoW has gained too much “pay to grind for rewards that help you to pay to grind”. Pets, Bounties, Towers, Bosses.

It is nice to have a break from Guild Wars but so much better if there was a good alternative activity. I could not meet the requirements of the top guilds … so many trophies, too many seals. I don’t want to abandon GoW completely and a relaxed keep in touch Guild would be fine by me.


with Krecorian and txtaz gone (and i guess txtaz’s friend snuggabull will follow him eventually) TKK is officially a low profile casual guild only now.

btw who wants to be the new guildmaster? i’m not motivated enough any longer.
i still like guild war, but don’t play much in the two other event weeks.
have played down all sigils for many weeks, but it has started to feel repetitive by now.

I’m not planning on leaving, Jamma. I won’t be playing as much because I have something else going on right now, but I can meet the minimums easily enough. Just like everyone else, I prefer GW to the other 2 events. And when they added the whole pet thing, it was just too much. I’m perfectly fine with casual guild, and for now prefer it.