Galactic Truckin’ Tourney

We had a pretty mellow and uneventful first flight. @SpiceTheCat got out to an early start and mostly stayed there, to his credit. Hopefully there will be more drama in flight II…

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losers’ flight has arrived. :upside_down:


Relieved to have Sabotage just chip off the one engine :blush:

I was wondering why it was taking so long for my turn! :stuck_out_tongue:

Flight 2 has completed. Good game!

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@irishdomer08 51
@hardco 28
@Neumannium 16
@kennfusion 0

That might be the highest score I’ve ever seen. Well done both of you. Damn.

That was an interesting flight, as everyone except @irishdomer08 was pretty light on batteries, and the early events were all battery draining. I was expecting an explosive back half of the flight, but it ended up pretty anti-climactic… Good game!

Yeah, I thought I had a decent ship that second time, and I had 6 batteries and they all got used up fast. One of these days I should actually read the rules for that game. :slight_smile:

Table Y is finished. GG all! I filled up on cargo and barely stayed ahead after losing 15c of it on the final adventure card.

42 @SleepingGiant
38 @SpiceTheCat
34 @JHTaube
18 @whovian223

So, it looks like top three from this table will join @irishdomer08 for the final.

I’ll send out the invite shortly…


harrumph harrumph wildcard spots in games when the available points widely differs from game to game…

Yeah, sincere apologies on that. If we do this tourney again next year I would definitely change that, but at this point seems like the most fair thing is to continue with the tourney rules that were in place.

It’s all good… I just wanted to play a three round match! :sob:

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@SpiceTheCat I sent the in-game invite to StC rather than SpiceTheCat, maybe you haven’t seen it? Is that still your preferred profile or should I create a new table with your full name? No worries if you have just been too busy, I just wanted to make sure your invite wasn’t lost in the mail :wink:

Joined. Didn’t see any notification :confused: Anyway, all live and you’re up. Have a good flight, everyone. Don’t worry, you won’t need those batteries. Probably.

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Well, flight 2 was a bit of a flop… all those lasers for naught. Just a lot of open space, hopefully the flight 3 adventure deck will have a little more adventure!

We have a winner!!!

:milky_way::truck::medal_sports: @irishdomer08 :medal_sports::truck::milky_way:

Impressively, irishdomer (90) scored the highest total in every single round, so it is a well deserved :trophy: Indeed!

Runners up in the final, with final round scores, were @JHTaube (89), @SleepingGiant (58), @SpiceTheCat (33).

A tough break and honorable mention for JHTaube, who came within a point of possibly winning it all.

Do we have a “hall of fame” topic/page to record tourney champions?

Well played by all, I hope everyone had fun!


Thanks for organizing!

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Congrats, @irishdomer08!

Not that we had a prize set up, but I have a Steam key for One Deck Dungeon if you’d like to claim it as champion. Let me know and I’ll forward it over.


When does the next one start? :grinning:

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It will kick off at Stately Con I :laughing: