Dune: Imperium Landsraad thread

opening for a new game with leader draft.
JammaTal’s Game, password: buzz

I was too late to join yours, so replicating!

New game with leader draft
PW: spsp

Hmm, seems like games only stay up for 24 hours and then disappear if not filled…

That’s typical for Dire Wolf.

I think it is less than 24 hours. At the time I went to go join your game, it had been 20 hours since you posted and it was not there, I thought it had filled.

who would like to play in a faster game of Dune?
ready to make 4-5 moves each day?
wouldn’t it be nice?

i’m sure that @TheDukester and @robthomasson might like it :smirk:
anybody else?
will create a game with leader draft, password: flash

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Game full. I will manage the 4-5 turns per day except on days when I have a social life. Draw your own conclusions.

imho the game is running fine.
it won’t hurt too much when not always on fire.

What I think I like most about this game is the ability to ‘pick your battles.’

I learned to hate combat in these types of games because of Through the Ages (and honestly I am ok with TTA, it is just when you get snowballed it really just sucks).

But this calculation of combat - ‘Is this the fight I want to pick? Do I just let him have the spice/faction/whatever? Do I put up token resistance?’ is just so solid of a mechanic, it takes most of the ‘pvp anxiety’ out of the equation.


Indeed. But at the same time, combat can get pretty intense because you can see the troop buildup over the round but are also aware that there can be some surprises. I like that.

You mentioned a token resistance, so just a reminder to those fairly new to the game - you only gain rewards if you have troops in the fight. It’s often worth it to throw a troop into the conflict if you can gain some scraps.


I very commonly throw 2-3 troops in, and have a card in the hand to mix it up.

The VP reward is very enticing

As @Mirefox is storming towards victory in one of my games, anyone up for another?

Me, but I wanna finish this one first

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Same. My brain shuts off when I have more than one game going (and frequently when I only have one game going).

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I think I’ve finished the game. We will see if there are any surprises. If you start up another I’ll join in.

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i love this game, no matter how i’m doing.

but playing in 4 parallel games means always having to read through the logs to get back into the full picture of what me and others have done and possibly want to do.
makes my brain feel like fully occupied :drooling_face:
(and 3 running Stone Age games don’t really make things any better.)

so i’m ready to join a new game in the very minute one of the 4 games will be finished.

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Yes, I am playing in 3 games of Dune, 10 Star Realms, 10 Hero Realms (I keep 10 of each at all times), 4 Ascension, 5 Dominion and 1 Wingspan games right now.

It makes my brain happy. Would I have a better win-rate if I played less games? Sure, but I would also be bored in life.

edit: also, I play mostly these Async games while playing ARPGs a lot of the time, like new Path of Exile season yesterday! Yay!


New game created, pw sp5

I assume the other game has ended… I had no final screen or point overview, but I must assume @Mirefox has won by points, way ahead of the rest of us, especially myself.

Congrats @Mirefox, good game,

I already joined @SpiceTheCat

Ended after round 8 battle!

Felt super fast and quick and close… and didn’t disappointed

Great game!