Decathlon Practice Arena

I’m getting an error in Steam when I try to play TfM on my MacBook Pro and it won’t load. Everything else loads fine… not familiar enough with Steam to know what to do, any suggestions welcome please?

@SpiceTheCat did you get the final score for the game we just completed in Mars?

I was green, and I think you were purple(?)

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nope i was yellow. we tied

Nice. You thoroughly won the tie break though :wink:

Is that the yellow tile? What is it based on?

I was able to get both the most energy award and the highest income production, so that helped.

Money breaks ties.

You’re up in our training game. If you want to bail as TfM may be moot anyway and @KYakerDude has been unwillingly ejected, that’s fine :slight_smile: I’m more than happy to play on otherwise.

I’m still there but having UI problems. I completed my turn but can’t press done because the button is behind the corporation info button.
I’ll finish my turn on my iPad.

I am a big fan of Pathwork, but have not played since our last decathlon. Would like to get in a practice game or two, nimble up my sewing fingers. Shoot me a challenge to kennfusion.

Sent you a friend request @kennfusion!

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cool, sent a game

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@kennfusion Sent you a friend request as well.

I’m mgeiger9 in game if anyone else wants a Patchwork practice game.

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Thanks for the warm-up, @kennfusion… I guess I remember more about this game than I thought! :wink:

For anyone who may want some pointers:

  1. Balancing buttons with space filled is key - ultimate goal is to fill space for points, but without buttons you can’t buy anything

  2. Grabbing the single squares of fabric (by being first to move across them) is also a big advantage

  3. Getting multiple turns in a row is obviously key - remember that if you land on top of the other player’s button you get to go again (and of course landing behind them allows this too)

  4. The 7x7 bonus might not seem like a big deal, but the 7 points definitely can be a swing and trying to fill that big of a square is definitely a good target/motivation for general scoring

Next level: predicting which set of 3 patches you and your opponent will get to choose from and how much the player will have to spend can be game-changing. This goes back to the idea of trying to get multiple turns in a row (by looking at how many spaces might be moved), and of course planning ahead for your quilt / preventing your opponent from getting the patch they need. Remember that whichever patch is picked, the next set of 3 will be the 3 patches after the one picked.

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This game reminds me that it is my #1 game at the top of my “Please update for modern aspect ratios” list.

Yeah, I was remembering as we were going. First I forgot about the 7x7 and need to remember that. Also, I was having a hard time figuring out how to set it up so I could get the patches.

For a simple game, there’s actually a lot going on if you want to dig into it.

Or you can just play it like Tetris… :stuck_out_tongue:

Patchwork is on Board Game Arena right now for people that want to play in a different environment. The implementation is pretty solid!

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If anyone wants to start a practice game for Le Havre in preparation for the 2022 Decathlon, I am happy to play a few games at once… :slight_smile: (“Codington” on Game Center)

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I just went through the tutorial, so sure, I will try this out.