Battle of Polytopia going multiplayer

Saw the invite but it’s not showing up in my list of games…

i have sent an 2P game invite too. same problem?

Yup, not seeing that either. Got @Snotty128’s second invite and we’re a bunch of turns in so far but haven’t found each other yet.

strange :flushed:

would you like to play one more 2P? i could try again to send an invite then.
huge map? conquering capital? 2P + 1Bot? + 2 Bots?

If anyone wants to play with me :slight_smile:
ID: npvNnE4rhjYiXKHI

Sure thing! Whatever you prefer for the setup is fine by me.

Hello Simba, when i enter your code i get an “error: unknown” message.

I’m starting to get the invisible unit bug in our game. Only had it on large maps so far. The end turn button turns blue when all your units have moved, if it’s not blue yet then tap and hold it and it will take you to the next unit that needs orders, even if that unit is invisible.

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invisible only for you, the owner?
or a stealth fighter superhero unit?

It’s a bit of both. Your units will randomly hide from you, but also enemy units can hide too. If you tap on the square they are in they reveal themselves.

Certainly a bug, and a mildly annoying one too.

I can use all the help I can get, considering your army of giants…

Here’s a screenshot of my interior. I got a lot of really good tips from my tribe leader with screenshots of how he beat me. I suspect its all about the economy. It’s a system that works on perfection mode where I’ve got 65k with it, and my leader got 120k today.

It’s chopped off my income which is currently 90* a turn. Customs houses are insane

Tribe leader? And yeah, I can’t compete with that - I’m around 20 a turn right now, even less now that you’ve conquered half the cities!

When I joined the polytopia discord one of the mods asked me what my favourite tribe was, so I told them and they joined me up with the hoodrick tribe. You can do it yourself for your own favourite tribe, or ask one of the mods to do it. You get a private tribe chat room, and I was lucky enough the leader of that tribe was really helpful. He hangs around the advice channel which is full of helpful people too

I was a little concerned that this might solve the ‘puzzle’ of polytopia for me, but it really looks like there are a number of strong strategies.

i wondered why i did not get a notification for a Polytopia game for several days. and what did i see?

! time up
! time up
! time up
! time up
! time up
! time up

for all opponents in all my 6 games :flushed:


I have yet to play multiplayer, but this thread is a bit disheartening as I see so many time outs. Is this all user error or is this game struggling to run games online?

not that i know.

it’s just that players are not taking their turns. and i really wonder why.
very fast turns in early phase.

so has Civilization VI done it right when the devs set aside an option for mobile multiplayer?
not enough interest in CIV or CIV-like multiplayer on mobile?

I’ve timed out of a few games, and the reason is simple: no app badge. Getting a notification is nice, but if I don’t play my turn right away, I forget about that notification. I’d say at least 90% of my notifications appear when I’m in the middle of something else.

So that’s technically “user error” on my part, but the devs could make my life a lot easier by adding badges.


when no time for an instant turn i just let the notifications sit on the list for coming back later.
every now and then i take a look at the list of notifications anyway.

of course notifications AND functioning badges would be nice and perfect.
but many games can’t handle badges. misleading wrong badges are even worse than no badges.

i must say the ‘invisible unit bug’ is really nasty.
esp when it comes down to opponents’ units.

i assume the dev knows about it?
let’s hope for a fix.

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