1775: Rebellion. Shall we defy Hexwar and try multiplayer?

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. General Howe is able to spot a rising tide when it laps at his ankles. With the help of John Butler and a lot of returning runaways, the British and Loyalists charge out of their strongholds. Massachusetts and Pennsylvania return to the Crown, efficiently cleared of rebels and Frenchmen. All this talk of liberty has been thoroughly quashed, for now.

Ok, yes @js619 , the dice clearly did hate you a little bit which pumped up the margin of victory unreasonably, plus the card draw delivered both truce cards to me this turn. It was a good and balanced game which suddenly broke my way. God Save the King, huzzah, etc.

Good lord, that was a disaster of a last turn. I logged in and saw the end game screen, and while not surprised at the loss, was shocked by the spread. Good thing we have this for AAR, too, as it won’t allow me to see the end game state at all. Care for another, @SpiceTheCat?

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But of course. I’ll set the game up now. :slight_smile:

Edit: game set up. The turn order is determined by drawing notional cubes out of a theoretical bag. Who needs to rewrite rules just because the game’s been ported from cardboard, eh?

Edit again: created a couple of games. Hope you can grab one at least.

Maybe if we sign up for the 1812 iOS beta when that comes round, we can steer Hexwar away from the most egregious features of their MP implementation.

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Grabbed one just now. Appears as if I am now the oppressor / forces of reason, depending on which side of history you fall. I’ve reinforced as appropriate.

And I agree on the 1812, but seeing most of Hexwar’s offerings, I’m not certain it will matter…

Reinforced and over to His Majesty’s turn.

Sorry for the slow start; holiday weekend plus family visits plus an all-day German course, because naturally what else would you do on a sunny weekend?

Hexwar gripes- why tf, when I’ve finished a turn in one game, am I kicked out of multiplayer altogether? So if I want to move in a second game, I have to log back in again. If, say, one has 6 games on the go, that gets exponentially more annoying with each tap.

An uneventful turn. Reinforced in the great white north, although not exactly how I wanted. Hexwar gripe, thanks for the awful undo feature. Using “feature” loosely. Recruited some natives and began moving south to pacify the rebellious few making life difficult for the masses.

No worries, take your time. Family stuff yesterday, lawn work today, and I’m working tomorrow…

Battle duly joined. I likewise recruited some native allies, bless their poor gullible hearts, and then piled into Boston with 10 units. The forces of the King started with 3 hits, and followed up with 2. The Patriots meanwhile ran away, although I don’t blame them under the circumstances. The rebels did succeed in the end, but taking 90% casualties is probably not a path to strategic victory

Which reminds me, belatedly- it is too a wargame. As overall commander, I don’t care really about local terrain or flanking manoeuvres; I expect my subordinates and underlings on the ground to be dealing with that kind of minor detail. I’m giving local armies their overall marching orders and such reinforcements as I can spare, and then sighing as some aristocratic fop who bought his commission or backwoodsman who hasn’t moved 10 years in his life takes command and marches into an ambush or camps in a marsh so everyone gets malaria and dysentery, and then writes a report noting their triumph and requesting more men.

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A typical turn for the loyalists. I attacked into Falmouth, ME, and managed to get trounced. A hit in the first round caused my other two “soldiers” to flee completely.

I also attacked into part of NY with a force of six on five, including natives, who apparently all fled before the battle. Not sure what happened there, except that I took two hits on the first roll and CD’d back to whence I came on the second.

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Three moves on the trot for the patriotic militia and the Continentals. New England was reinforced and New Hampshire taken, a harassing raid has temporarily taken control of Maryland, and the South has fallen to the rebels. The Loyalist militia have taken the brunt of the attacks and despite a few pockets of resistance - rolling 3 hits from 3 in NH,- were noticeably keener on fleeing.

The map is looking pretty rebellious at the moment, but as we haven’t seen any of your big reinforcements or warship cards, I guess that might be temporary…

The vanishing Indians; when both sides in a battle have native reinforcements, Indians flee from both sides in a 1:1 ratio until one side has none.

Edit: also 1775 somehow connects my phone’s battery to the case, judging by the warm back and diminishing power.

You’re playing this on a phone???[quote=“SpiceTheCat, post:49, topic:492”]

The vanishing Indians; when both sides in a battle have native reinforcements, Indians flee from both sides in a 1:1 ratio until one side has none.

Didn’t realize that - I was blaming Hexwar for a bug lol

No kidding - I haven’t gotten any event cards, or warships for that matter. The map is looking quite rebellious…

I’ll make a move in a bit, gotta get some work done first.

Not primarily on my phone, but I think bringing my iPad into the office might be considered indiscreet :wink:

Haha! I didn’t realize it was a universal app, honestly. Might have to download it to my phone tonight when I’m back in wifi to avoid the iPad tethering…

It was originally iPad-only; phone support got patched in later.

It’s surprisingly usable despite Hexwar’s commitment to not wasting screen real estate on UI.

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The loyalists had a whopping ten cubes to place, considering reinforcements and how many advances to the rear they’d had. All went to Delaware, and then attacked into southern NJ, eastern MD, and Maine. They were (barely) successful in Maine, lost fantastically in southern NJ, and eked out a victory in MD.

The Brits followed up with 4 reinforcements and an attack into southern Jersey; the appearance of trained regulars made both rebels flee with thumbs in their mouths. Jersey returns to the rightful owners… and an attack into western NY results in a win as well.

The British go again, and the sudden appearance of both 6 Hessians and a warship allow an attack into RI. Again, the dice absolutely hate me, and my 9-4 odds results in… a loss. A single continental holds RI after multiple godawful rolls. I literally rolled one hit. One. (Throws cards in the air)

Mr Washington appeared reluctant to issue move orders this turn despite the expanded number of pink bits on the map. The Patriots captured Norfolk and recruited some natives. The French arrived and did nothing, while the Continental army reinforced northern NH for some reason and recruited some natives.

Lots of move-1 cards meant we weren’t really going anywhere this turn. Ouch, losing with 9:4 odds is harsh.

The loyalists ended up with two turns in a row. The first turn was merely to reinforce and motivate fled units back to the field - move 1 cards here too. The second turn saw additional reinforcement, and a bloodless win (on my side, for once) to take tenuous control of Maine, albeit with two runaways.

The weird low-tempo warfare continues. The Continental army fights its way into Quebec and back into Maine. The militia reinforcements, aided by Paul Revere, assemble in NH and ride across the barren rocks of ME into Nova Scotia. Everywhere south of Manchester is as static as ever.

The feel and tempo of this game is completely different to the previous two. Courtesy of the cards and your treacherous dice, perhaps :wink:

Continental Army, with the assistance of the HMS Slowest Warship Ever, sailed up the coast and reclaimed Nova Scotia. Although they took two hits in the first round, they retaliated with a record setting roll of three hits, wiping out the spineless defenders.

This one does feel slower, in a way, than our other games. I’m a bit more reluctant, given my latest rolling, and have kind of come to the conclusion that the defender has a slight advantage with rolling first. To the trenches, then!

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6 Continental reinforcements arrive in New Hampshire. Most go off to recapture northern Maine, while another reinforces the Maine-Nova Scotia border.

Consciously reinforcing a front line seems to fit the theme of this game so far. I have had no boats or warships yet, hence the French being content to garrison RI. It also seems like we’ve had relatively few 3- and 4-turn goes between us. You can go a long way and do a lot of damage in 4 turns. Agreed on the advantages of rolling first. :blush: