So, uh, I appear to have won. It’s all over bar arguing about the Constitution.
This is where a game log would be really really helpful.
To an outside observer, it might look a like a brilliant throw of the dice by a losing player, but I hadn’t read the game rules properly. I hadn’t quite grasped that the game ends when both truce cards for one side alone are played- for some reason, I thought all cards had to be played.
Bearing that in mind, when I looked at my cards, the only movement cards I had were both truce cards, and the forces of revolution were very much on the back foot, New England was beleaguered and my northern raid was looking a bit ineffectual. My thought was that by playing both truce cards, I was handing @js619 the power to end the game. As such, my plan was to tilt the colony control score as far as possible and ride out the counterattack.
In the Patriot turn, I generally consolidated, recaptured Connecticut and secured South Carolina. For the Continental turn, I reinforced in Connecticut with more or less everything plus an Indian reinforcement card. I retook RI in a bloodbath - well, not a bloodbath as such, more a mass sprint to the rear - cleared out the last Loyalist militia in North Carolina, and attacked into New York, New Jersey and Quebec. This gave me 5 colonies (Georgia, North and South Carolina, Connecticut and Rhode Island) to @js619’s 4 (New Hampshire, Maine, Nova Scotia and Delaware), and a surprise victory screen at the end of the turn.

Would I like to play again? Yes, definitely, but entirely due to the original game, no thanks to Hexwar’s implementation. The fluidity and tension of the game is brilliant, there’s so much you want to do but not enough time or resource, and static fronts can change in an instant. Plus of course the dynamic game end conditions cough
Another game, @js619? We can do a turn by turn game log here to at least give a clue as to what just happened.