1775: Rebellion. Shall we defy Hexwar and try multiplayer?

Interesting… I wonder if they just get stuck there for the remainder of the game? Or if there’s some provision to move them again?

Sorry for the delay!

The Continental Army begins with a new French force showing up in Savannah, Georgia, surprising the Loyalists there. A Continental unit moves in to help the French.

And that army promptly flees while the French take over the city.

in the north, the Continentals assault New York City. Cowardly patriots flee and the Continental army takes a few casualties, but the city is rebelling now!

Then it’s the Patriots’ turn.

Just recruiting a few natives in the west and reinforcing New Hampshire there.

The militia decide to clear out the nest of monarchy in Boston, and attack with 9-4 odds, looking confident. Obviously not that confident, as the defenders win, having killed perhaps 2 of the attackers, all the others having fled (including 2 Continentals and a militia on the last attack)

Come the Continental turn, and with the help of the French, Boston is attacked with ludicrously overwhelming force, in retrospect, and captured. Maryland is also under rebel control, albeit as a nuisance raid.

Yeah, might have overprioritised Boston in the Conti turn there. Temporary strategic blindness as a result of dice rage.

Dice rage. Love it.

The loyalists reinforce in… places unremembered, and reclaim Maryland. There was too much gray encroaching on royal property. The Regulars then reinforce into Maryland and, with the timely assistance of the Hessians into NYC, route the defenders from southeastern NY. Boston can stand, for now, mostly due to lack of available warships…

Did I miss your recap, @SpiceTheCat?

I see it’s my turn, and I checked the log. Not happy about the results. :stuck_out_tongue:

Patriots are forlorn to hear of the fall of Maine, but determined to make the British pay.

They are inspired so much by the Declaration of Independence that they will not flee this turn!

An attempt to take control of South Carolina with Patriots and French units goes exactly as planned. One Patriot unit dies but the rest remove the British tyranny from the colony!

And other troops move into northern New Jersey. Three Patriot units get rid of the remaining Loyalists after one flees, but of course since the Patriots can’t flee, it’s the Continental Army unit that does.

Par for the course.

Ah. Um, perhaps I should remember to actually tap the submit reply button. Sorry about that. Looks like you’ve evened the score a bit though :wink:

@js619, @whovian223 - sorrry for the delay both, I’m travelling at the moment and haven’t found the time to give the games the thought and updates they deserve (looked at both, gone ‘hm’). Normal service should resume shortly…

No worries at all, take your time.

General Washington returns home after a particularly grim family visit and settles with a sigh of relief into a favourite armchair. The problem with European monarchies, he muses, is you can’t get reliable wifi.

That said, he can’t fault the British for being gentlemen and waiting for him to finish. He must suggest Howe takes a summer break at some point.

And to business. Well, there appear to be a large number of Frenchmen in Boston and a lot of militia reinforcements, and New Hampshire looks eminently liberatable. Allez-y! It’ll be a walk-ov … or not, you say? Dead? All of them? Except for the French units that ran away to Maine? Not entirely useless then, but not exactly a victory.

Very well. To the south with the professionals, and also some substantially useless French reinforcements in Savannah. Have fun, mes Braves. All the Continental reinforcements land in Virginia and go off to attack Maryland with lots of militia. They win, but where are the militia? Dead? All of them? Except for the one that ran away? The British marksmanship appears to be improving. Hm.

@js619 - back in action, sorry for the longer-than-expected lag. Also, damn the red dice…

General Howe awakes with a snort, and falls over a bottle. Panic! How long has it been? Have the rebels taken advantage of his momentary incapacity? The map, man, bring me the map!

Howe frowns at this disposition of his forces. The entire theatre seems depleted. Have they all run away? The messenger corps seems strangely unwilling. Very well. We shall make the best of a bad situation. All the militia reinforcements land in Delaware and attack eastern New Jersey, bolstered by reinforcements from the western New Jersey garrison.

All of the defenders run away.

This, thinks Howe, might explain a lot.

@whovian223 - back at the table, and sorry for the delay.

Methinks Howe rather enjoyed the brief respite… although he finds himself forgetting just what the hell was going on when he last visited those upstart territories…

Ah yes… it appears as if two Frenchmen have gotten lost in the woods of Maine. The loyalists “help” them, although I was disappointed to find that I couldn’t recruit them in the same vein as the natives. Ah well. This may also have been the longest battle ever, with both sides rolling nothing but command decisions for several turns. Thanks for the speedy animations here, Hexwar.

The loyalists showed remarkable marksmanship on their next turn and seized control of Pennsylvania without loss - they’re as shocked as anyone.

@SpiceTheCat - no worries about the delay at all, hope all is well on the home front.

Lots of militia reinforcements, and thanks to a limited move card, no way to get them to a front. Hm.

New England is generally topped up, and New Hampshire brought into the fold of freedom. Now, we just need the Continentals to follow up … oh…

@js619- thank you.

An unremarkable turn… hoping to capture Maryland and have a nice front, at least in the middle of the map, the Regulars attack into western and northern (?) Maryland… the attack in the west goes off swimmingly, with the militia fleeing as the militia is wont to do.

Lulled into a false sense of security by the easy win and their superior numbers (7-4), the crown attacks in northern Maryland. In what can only be described as a bloody stalemate, with fleeing natives and hit traded for hit, the forces of order and stiff upper lips choose to leave a lone defender (or two, I forget) and regroup in Philadelphia…

Back to the Blue cubes.

Not a dramatic sequence, just the slow grind of jaws closing inexorably on the remaining pink bits. The Continentals had two turns back-to-back. In New York, the approaches to Connecticut and New Hampshire were cleared (actually, the British had a good chance in one battle until the AI chose a load of unnecessary CDs) and a raid in force into Quebec undertaken. In the southern jaw, the rebels attacked twice into Maryland, winning one and running away from the other.

The militia followed, moving to an assembly point on the Pennsylvania border. Finally, our Indian allies might join the fight.

Sorry for my own delay!

On vacation, and then got sick, also with chores to do. Made it hard to want to concentrate on the game (which I want to do and don’t need to do in games like Potion Explosion and Ascension :slight_smile: )

Continentals are awakened after the long hiatus with lots of reinforcements from the previously-fled units.

And they’re surprised when a bunch of Frenchmen land in Rhode Island! Maybe Boston could be ours…

Also some maneuvering in the south and west, the latter of which recruits some more natives to the Americans’ side.

Heavy fighting in Boston as the huge American/French force assaults the city. Victory is ours with minimal losses, and some fortuitous command decisions allow the Americans to redeploy northward as well.

I find the force in Quebec… troubling. Having taken four turns in a row, unexpectedly, early in the morning and not having pen and paper handy, you’ll forgive the lack of detail.

As a general synopsis, the blue dice always roll hits and the red dice always do not.

All in all, I finally broke control of those troublesome New Hampshirians, reclaimed my rightful Quebec, bemoaned the lack of a warship card, was forced to play a truce card for the loyalists which they promptly squandered, and cheered the arrival of a warship which allowed the Regulars to sail down south for some well deserved sun on the undefended coasts of the Carolinas.

Frenchmen everywhere. Historically accurate and yet annoying.

The British consider the wash of purple cubes, the fiddly map and the paucity of move cards, and decide to move to a quieter neighbourhood. Savannah, specifically. The former Residents’ Association representative immediately resigns, quite understandably.

Nasty surprise seeing those foreigners in the South! Continentals shore up the defenses but aren’t strong enough to actually remove them.

Instead, an attack to liberate North Carolina and some re-positioning in West and Northeast. The battle goes swimmingly with no losses.

And freedom blesses the formerly subservient colonies. New Hampshire is freed and South Carolina recaptured, and dissent sown in Pennsylvania and Quebec. The Crown, feeling control slipping away, throws in the Royal Towel.

Good game :blush: Apologies again for the delays- we got there in the end.