Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome

I absolutely agree that Joe seems like a solid dude. I think his background gives him a perspective I don’t relate to all that well, but it also helps him relate better to industry insiders. To a substantial extent, Owen’s original version of PT and now our SP run on the illusion that the market doesn’t have to go the direction it’s manifestly going. While I still have hope that our niche can not only persist, but grow and draw in new gamers to introduce to the joys of the sorts of games we like, I have the impression that Slitherine want to at least remain somewhat abreast of broader trends. I doubt they’ll abandon their crunchy wargame roots, but I get the impression they want to draw in at least a part of the crowds attracted to more competitive and/or free-to-play behemoths. If that involves some productive cross-pollinating of ideas, I’m all for it, but obviously I’m also worried about any move in that direction. But if that’s the audience they want to cultivate with PT, I think it makes sense to suspect it’s because they’ll be trying to release games more suited to that audience in the future.

I thought Slitherine wanted to basically abandon mobile because it wasn’t worth the effort. The reissue of DoM might be an indication I’m wrong, as it seems much easier to develop multi-platform games in Unity, but I recall them dismissing the idea of porting the Panzer Corps engine to 64-bit platforms, thus rendering it eventually obsolete on mobile devices.

If this discussion grows, perhaps we should move it into its own “What the heck is Slitherine doing?” thread … ?

It will be interesting to see how many of the old timers come over here. I have posted my own feelings on the changes and I understand some of them.

Looking forward to finding a place to rant in any case.


I prefer SP already, amazing job guys! As a simple consumer of gaming with no horse in the race, I will still read PT too. I’m sure the irony doesn’t escape anyone that PT originally carved out its niche by focusing on a very specific type of games and gamers amongst a flood of general mobile gaming sites, and now SP is that niche and PT is stretching out to a wider market. But that’s not a bad thing, just progress. I sincerely wish both both websites the best, I’m all about the love of the games!

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Where’s the “donate for review” button?


Curious, do you think metacritic will pull in your reviews?

Can’t. Metacritic has some pretty specific requirements, including that we can’t edit our reviews, must assign a score, and must mention our review hardware in every review. I’m not totally opposed to any of that, but we decided we’d rather just conclude with an idea of who might be interested in checking out a game and who should probably give it a miss.

That said, we’re our own bosses here, so pretty much anything is up for grabs. If you can think of a policy change you think would improve things, tell us what and why!

EDIT: I am apparently behind the times! I just glanced at reviews for Dishonored 2, and there is a section for “in progress and unscored” reviews. I’ll have to check into that once we’ve expanded a bit.

Oh so that’s where you were hiding :slight_smile: Glad I found this site. I was actually trying to find where ex-PT writers had gone, is anywhere, then found the link in Dave’s Twitter bio… Also good to see you now write about more varied topics.


Well alright! I actually never got over to PT much back in the day, but I’ve been an avid reader of the iOS feed on BGG for years.

Let’s do this thing.


So this is where the party went! Nice to once again see many of the old faces.

And congratulations to the hale and hearty mutineers!


Hey! Just stumbled across this site thanks to Dave mentioning it at BGG. Glad to see this site is up with all those great writers.

My first thought was “I must inform all the old-PT members”, but when I joined this site’s forum I immediately felt at home. Very nice to see all your familiar faces/avatars/names.


How am I just finding out about this site now?! There’ll be no work done at all today while I catch up on the articles… Great to see all the old PT faces together again!


I thought you knew, or I would have said something.

Had no idea… par for the course lol.

Konnichiwa bitches!

As par of the course, it took me a lot longer to ‘discover’ SP. Fortunately, a recent article on PT mentioned the “other forum”, so naturally I have gravitated over here to discover all of the ‘old’ TA/PT crew.

Good to see @ShaunMusgrave on SP. His RPG Reloaded column is one of the best gaming articles I have read, period. I have never been a console otaku, thus had almost zero knowledge of Japanese RPGs before iOS and discovering the FF series via TA. From dipping my toes into FF (I am still on the final dungeon in FFIII 4 years after I bought the sodding game in the Christmas sale. Seriously), I have discovered Visual Novels.

I’ll let JapanNewbie know about the new site.


thumbs up for @ShaunMusgrave’s RPG RELOADED column on TA!
an absolute blast. always a pleasure to read. great insights. fair ratings. a piece of passion.
fully recommended!


Hi all - happy to have found this site at the weekend!

Now who can tell me wtf is going on with Lost Cities MP nowadays? Seems to all “break” on my iPhone…


Now who can tell me wtf is going on with Lost Cities MP nowadays?

It’s pretty much GameCenter, which Apple has abandoned. Most online-multiplayer games now have longtime players scratching their heads when they can’t seem to find past opponents.

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It is, frankly, verging on the ludicrous how happy I am to have finally turned up here. Thanks to JammaTal for letting me know that we, the exiles, have a home. stiff upper lip, manly handshakes all round


A fair few names in here from ye olde PT. It feels good man.


So this place has no security at all, is that what we’re saying? Not ONE security guard?