Welcome to Castle Memelot, and the Round Table of Bullshit and Knives

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Same! Well worth the extra $200 and half a pound.

Fucksake. It probably has feed reliability problems anyway. Fucking Hell. Charting voyages with it in your spare time.

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The sheer idea of lugging around 19 12ga makes my forearms hurt

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Cleaning up a friend’s knife. Where to start with this piece of shit. It’s ‘Damascus’ steel so it sucks water out of the air like a porn star going for a bonus, except it’s not Damascus steel at all, Damascus steel hasn’t been made for about 200 years, so it rusts in no time, it’s not particularly good at taking or holding an edge, the point was uneven (I have literally evened it out on a whetstone today), it’s heavy, and the steels used are such garbage that even though the rust comes off eventually, the discolouration does not.

I’ve spent the whole time cleaning this absolute garbage knife cursing the Chinese factories that churn them out and the idiots that buy them. Initially I thought paper towels, cotton buds, and WD40 would do the job, but the joke is on me because the ridges in the steel simply tear up anything too soft. Bicarb and microfibre cloths helped, and I was tempted to try some acids, but knowing my luck, the blade would immediately develop a bisexual patina and I would receive GBH of the eardrums about it.

Don’t buy shit knives unless you’re going to use them for shit jobs.


Goddammit. Went to the gun store with my buddy cause he wanted a VR80 also. Three guesses what I just bought…

ETA in the titanium finish

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Hate hate hate “Damascus steel”. What garbage that is.

I have a Wicked Edge Pro sharpener if you think it needs that level.

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When you pick up this habit in your next life and can only afford cheap guns because you are still a child.

It now has a decent edge on it, but I’m not bothering with anything further. It will be left laying around until it gets rusty again.

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I don’t know what you guys are on about. I only buy Damascus, and only if it’s got that beautiful purple iridescent sheen. Be warned, though, you usually have to go out of your way to find them; look for those truck stops that also advertise knives, swords, ninja stars, and fireworks…



Thinking of starting my own website featuring gratuitous pictures of knives and calling it OTFFans.


I don’t own a single OTF…

Only the one here but it’s a lot of fun.

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Any opinions on fixed blades? I want an Esee but always like other recommendations. All my other fixed blades are either various CRKT knives or a Gerber LMF II, which is the only Gerber blade I’ve liked.

I love fixed blades, they’re just not as convenient. Spyderco has some wonderful ones (Jumpmaster, Aqua Salt). Extrema Ratio I’ve always handled but never bought, but they look snazzy, and Spartan are in the same sort of niche. I didn’t like the Esee Izula I handled, but that was down to how the grip was wrapped, their 4HM is super choppy and pleasing in the hand. Civivi are getting some attention but I’ve only played with their folders. I love CRKT’s Clever Girl. I would be more positive about Benchmade’s if they stopped doing that stupid faux serration on the spine.

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Yeah, I like the Clever Girl.

I’m not a huge fan of the paradors wrapping either and if I got the Izumi I’d probably leave it naked. If I went Esee, though, I’d probably go with the -4 or -5 instead.

One of the reasons I want an Esee if the simple fact that I don’t have one in my collection. CRKT is well-repped, as is Spyderco. I’m looking for a bit of diversity.

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Same. I rarely have a situation outside of camping where a fixed blade is practical. I have the Benchmade Nimravus (I think?) and like it a lot; I also have their water knife on all of my kayaking stuff. I’ll have to look up the name later, but they’ve held up for years.



Love the fedora one. Tip your hat to the almighty Bomb.