[Tournament] Lords of Waterdeep - way too hot summer edition

If @Snotty128 didn’t first turn grab Study at the Librarium, we could have avoided all that ugliness!

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I can take the beating, thats all part of the game. The real kick in the nuts was you playing open lord the turn I got the library out, so I couldnt return the favour.

Well, our game has wrApped up

Baelnor: 203
@Hardco : 173
@Snotty128 : 93

Early game hardco unloaded on snotty and I couldn’t figure out why, only that I should keep my head down and build for future.

That said, I finally had some cards to hit hardco and he played that open lord card! Frustrating!

I managed to build a recurring engine; extra black with gold, extra gold with black, 2 black when getting a skullduggery quest.

That said, hardco was sitting pretty out in front. Until he picked up a quest in the middle of turn 8. Little was he to know that the “return three meeples” was going to be flipped up, which I pounced on with a big stockpile.

After that I played a ridiculous series of turns, flopping a 40 point quest, a 10 point quest, blowing up my crappy building to place the “get 10vp, put three cubes on board” which had 8 vp on it, and then I used it for another 10 vp.

Anyways, great game and I wish I could play at the table with with you guys, you know your shit.

I think even without Defend the Yawning Portal, you’d still have won, but obviously it would have been a lot closer!

No regrets about picking on @Snotty128 at the beginning… Study at the Librarium has lead to many a blowout for me, and if he got it online sooner, he might have been the one with Open Lord. I think the low number of buildings, especially the lack of buildings to play Intrigue cards definitely hurt snotty128 and myself, but your combo of Rogue/money plot quests made it tough to keep up with your resource generation. Well played!

@john1325 @geigerm If we get through to Monday, my moves will slow considerably for awhile as I’ll be recovering from surgery. Apologies in advance,

Table B is complete.
'Twas Study in the Lubrarium that helped me move forward. Though I thought Rob and Mike’s teaming up towards the end had me beat.
The undermountain quests flipped just frequently enough to supply my bonus points
Fun game!

Table C is complete:

geigerm 189
@johnl 183
@Zebracadabra 156

A very good, very close game. I benefitted greatly from the quest that gave me 2 black pieces every time I drew a skullduggery quest, as well as the one that gave me 2 points every time I played an intrigue card.

Good game to both of my opponents!

After surgery just seven days ago, I did not have my heart in the game and couldn’t wait for it to end. 'Grats to the first an second place finishers.

Well played and good luck in the final!

So with this we have come to the final round:

Final Table:
@geigerm (mgeiger9)**

Good luck in the finals!

Setting usernames in Bold is actually a problem, egro @geigerm is to invite, if possible.

The invite is out–good luck, everyone!

And how is the final running? :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re in the final round, with only a couple of turns left for each of us.

You all getting notifications since update?


And that’s it! Super aggressive start to the game, something like 6 mandatories thrown around. Very little board development (only 5 buildings at end of game I think) and super competitive throughout. Well done all, great game.

@Baelnor Congrats on the win! You closed the game extremely well.

Screen seems to not work properly.

Anyways congratulation on the win, and thanks all for participating! (^.^)=b

LtCol (marine corps usage :wink:) Prinny, may i ask you to flag the SP Star Realms: Colony Wars Release Tournament as finished on Challonge?

I tried to do that yesterday, challonge bugged out on me several times…trying again.

Hm. Seems to be a problem from where I log on, so different browser update status? This is the first time I tried from work, now it did what it should at the first try.
Why did I log onto challonge since forever from home trying this? ^^

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Congrats @Baelnor!
Couldn’t believe how little scoring there was going around. But you came through in the last round.