"The King In Yellow" Challenge Thread

Sign me up on the list to challenge the King in Yellow.

I’m KYakerDude.

Yay! welcome KYakerDude!

updated order of challengers:

game in progress: King Holsten vs halfvoid

  1. whovian
  2. zebracadabra
  3. JammaTal
  4. KYakerDude
  5. reserved for new entry

As noted in the Cthulhu Realms tournament thread, my CR name is just whovian, not whovian223 (in case anybody isn’t checking that thread :slight_smile: )

i have edited the list of challengers to show your CR username :wink:

Oh boy, this was close, really close. But I won against halfvoid (12:-2) and am still the king. Ready for the next challenger :grin:

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long live (or stay undead? whatever :grin:) the HolstenKing!

challenge in progress: HolstenKing vs @whovian223 (whovian in CR)
(both of you can send the challenge, as start player is randomized)

order of challengers:

  1. zebracadabra
  2. JammaTal
  3. KYakerDude
  4. new entry or halfvoid, if he wants to try again.

the ultimate goal for a reigning King would be to scare away all challengers, so that no one would ever dare to challenge him again :smile:

Oh I definitely want back in the list. Though this might get confusing once the tourney games start.


fight in progress: HolstenKing vs whovian

order of challengers:

  1. zebracadabra
  2. JammaTal
  3. KYakerDude
  4. halfvoid
  5. new entry. possibly @Private_Prinny? :wink:

very much so! and yeah, “of course” it happened!
tourney game is “Holsten vs whovian” as well :flushed:

when playing a friendly game besides the challenge game vs Holsten, i took screenshots for not losing orientation :smirk:

I’ll join the list.


challenge in progress: HolstenKing vs whovian

order of challengers:

  1. zebracadabra
  2. JammaTal
  3. KYakerDude
  4. halfvoid
  5. geigerm
  6. new entry

Challenge sent!!!

Good game, I am still the king in yellow. :smiley:

Alan, you can challenge me whenever you feel ready :grin:

Sad panda…

Good game! I’ll go to the back of the line to try again


Hall of Kings:
HolstenKnight 3x
Jamma 1x

next title match will be: HolstenKing vs zebracadabra
line of challengers:

  1. Jamma
  2. KYakerDude
  3. halfvoid
  4. geigerm
  5. whovian
  6. new entry


Alright, put me down for a shot at the title…

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title match in progress: HolstenKing vs zebracadabra

line of challengers:

  1. Jamma
  2. KYakerDude
  3. halfvoid
  4. geigerm
  5. whovian
  6. Hardco
  7. new entry

The King is Dead!

Zebra 27, Holsten 0

Long live the King!

Zebra awaits a challenger…

Very good game, I went from “oh god, no chance” to “ha, I win” and back to “meh, no chance” :joy:

Please count me back in the line of challengers.