The Internet Almanac

Also see Tyler Rogoway’s articles on this - I’ve linked the latest one, which I’m sure hyperlinks the earlier stuff.

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I‘m going with

I suspect the story is just one professional charlatan who has embedded himself in the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, plus one or a few supervisors he’s managed to fool.

I have a professionally low opinion of USPTO examination as a rule, but fair play to the examiner in this case for insisting that inventions have to be (a) properly described and (b) scientifically plausible.

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I work in federal government, and it’s so much this.

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“We would be colonizing Andromeda right now if Hypatia wasn’t burned at the stake, and started the CHRISTIAN Dark Ages.”

Oh yes, keep going, I’m almost there.

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I read this yesterday and thought of posting it here as well. It is perhaps the best piece of actual journalism I’ve read this year and relevant to everyone.

If anyone needs to get behind the NYT paywall (or most any news paywall), there is an add-on in Firefox called Bypass Paywalls that does exactly what its title suggests. I suspect its available for other browsers too.

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Our Sky now and then – searches for lost stars and impossible
effects as probes of advanced extra-terrestrial civilisations

The British Model and the Brexit Shock: Plus ça Change?

“Plse advise the Commissionaires that apparently Fort Frontenac is both a PokeGym and a PokeStop. I will be completely honest in that I have not idea what that is,” wrote Maj. Jeff Monaghan at CFB Kingston.

“The game’s premise seems to be going to the ‘PokeStops/Gyms’ to collect ‘Pokemon’s’ (we should almost hire a 12-year-old to help us out with this) of which we were able to find 5 of these things on the range road itself,” wrote security expert David Levenick at CFB Borden, Ont., 100 kilometers northwest of Toronto.


I am more than a little envious

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That situation is difficult to take. I know Clarke is doing what he (and, presumably, the author) thinks is best, but it still feels a lot censorship, whether chosen or forced upon them.

In the spirit of bucking the censors, here is the short story, in case anyone is now curious and missed it:

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In case you were feeling positive about… anything…

My reaction: “100 seconds! That seems awfully close compared to the bi-polar nuclear competition of the cold war that featured several near-misses.”

Reads their reasoning.

“Nevermind. Story checks out”


There are many good SCPs. There are sad ones, scary ones, disgusting ones, and sometimes, funny ones. for some reason makes me piss myself with laughter.

SCP-4066 is the collective designation for the dynasties of Byzantine emperors that were founded by, supported by, or composed of extraterrestrial or extradimensional entities. Between the ascension of Constantine I as sole Roman Emperor in 312 and the sack of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire in 1453, almost every ruling family in the Byzantine Empire was in some way associated with extraterrestrial activity; during this period, there was very little confirmed extraterrestrial activity elsewhere on Earth. As of yet, no explanation for this trend has been found.