The Appocalypse is coming: Will your favorite apps survive?

What the Heck?

Uh…if i had the time I would gleefully sandboard over the huge dunes and waves of salty salt over at kickstarter and whatever social community discusses on that game.

Honestly: My favourite Genre is SRPG and I am totally able to bear with the pains induced by some of the more atrocious offerings that genre has - also for being a fan of Playdak because of Ascension…but that personal union was so strange even back then I was thinking…cool…but why not less “blue stary sky” ideas and more of the same old?

Some Genres actually benefit more from sequels than others…even after a Bazillion of Disgaea games it never gets old…same for FFT…so why are people going to such lengths on past pedigree to innovate for innovations sake (and big schmexy headlines)…

Truly a sad (unsung) story…not only because…

no new shiney SRPG ever (unsung story will never be released, never!)
no tratidional SRPG with established fanbase
no focus on core products from Playdek due to restless salvaging attempts
no goodwill by longtime fans of playdek and SRPGs in future
and no progress on said core products…where is the Playdek Chat upgrade?

…did manage a short fly-by on KS. :fearful:
Yeah the campaign was a mess…but nevertheless the entitlement is strong there. People forget what kickstarter truly is. Was it badly executed? Sure, but all that “Refund” cries after investing into a high-risk project

uhm…dear sir, would you kindly unveil your sources?

It’s been all over the internet the past 2 days because of SE’s sale on FFT.

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My thanks…

note to self:
try to reintergrate yourself more efficiently in social life after returning from the hospital…

My thanks…but…Squeenix if you are updating… then implement cloud saves!!!

Hey…a man can dream, yes?
I would have finished Secret of Mana and FFT thrice over if I could switch around between Pad and Phone…


:slight_smile: There was a big outcry as SE was apparently pulling a Slitherine (putting 32bit apps on sale with no announcement of upgrade to 64bit).

I had no doubt they were going to update FFT.

Given that FFT has separate phone/iPad apps, I think cloud saves are a pipe dream …

…I thought FFT had a cloud save slot, just not cross device cloud saving.

Or am I wrong there?

One day I will pop that back on and replay it.

It has been a while already. Good game, love the ff style srpgs (even the game boy ones; advance)

Rant in 3…2…1…

Ok, I give up. I just spent two hours on Apple’s newest batshit crazy bullshit trying to rectify a totally incredibly STUPID design choice on their part which they coated in sugarcoat lies to fuck us over again.

their newest iTunes version for the pc removes App store functionality…AND app management alltogether…

what this means? No download of apps trough iTunes, no manual app management etc.
This is a sneaky sneaky move to further screw us 32-bit App/ Game Nerds over.

I am at fault for not realizing this before updating to the newest version of iTunes.
Now I spent 2 hours for backing up my old mediathek and reinstalling an older iTunes version (newest iTunes 10.2.7) and it now complains it cannot open my iTunes libary.itl because it was made by a newer iTunes version.
After deleting the specific file I could run iTunes but it STILL doesn’t show my apps or any appstore

And also i still don’t know if restoring iTunes would help…what if they simply turn off the app store for iTunes alltogether (even for older iTunes versions) simply by updating the store to the newest iOS11 cough functionality by proclaiming the usual bullshit to present a more “sleek and fun use” of the iTunes “experience” as a pure “entertainment suite” or whatever…

Don’t update your iTunes to 10.2.7 yet
If you did, my comiserations
If you didn’t because you were less an idiot than me, good for you still backup your app libary right the hell now.

For any useful help I would be grateful. In the meantime sorry for the childish rant and for…


Maybe a little outside the purview of this site, but Lunar Silver Star Story updated. It is a great classic RPG.

I’m not sure exactly how helpful this will be, but there a discussion about downgrading back to iTunes 10.2.7 here It is a Mac centric site so most of the discussion focuses on how to do it on a Mac but there may be links for doing the same on a PC. You may have to search around the thread a little to find what you want. No one there is pleased about the “update.”

I cannot begin to thank you enough for this warning.

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So, now I have one iPad on iOS 10 and one on 11. The older one keeps bugging me to upgrade. Here are the games I would lose. I could live without most of them and not even notice, but some of them I don’t mind losing the games as much as my progress in them. Can’t they just implement cloud saves now in case they ever catch up to Apple’s upgrade shenanigans in the future? Especially looking at you Space Hulk, so much progress, a well-funded game developer, why no cloud save or 64-bit? And Battle Academy, that was a $20 game if I remember, no support for iOS 11?

If they were making any money on them, they would be updating them.

Given how terrible app performance has been on my iphone 6+ since I upgraded to ios 11, I’d recommend skipping the update for as long as it will let you…

It keeps prompting me, I hit disagree on the TOS, let’s see what happens there…

If you delete the downloaded update, you get more days before getting prompted to update.

call me a dummy, but how to do it?
have just noticed that my device has already downloaded that 11-moloch without my consent.
and the constant tricky and nasty buggings annoy me to the utmost :angry::rage::japanese_ogre:
one day i will be sleepy or tired enough to fall into the well hidden trap.

i’m so fed up with apple and their megalomaniac and ignorant behavior.
playing more on console (PS4/3DS) now and thinking about better playgrounds (Switch/Android tablet/Surface Pro).

Settings > General > iPad storage (may be Storage). Near the top (list is in order by size) will be the iOS update. Press it, then delete app.

Gives you about a week before the update is downloaded again.

Check out how to get the stealth 12.6.3 iTunes.

It works just like iTunes 12.6.2 but also works with iOS 11. The website implies that even if you’ve installed 10.2.7 you can get to this version. I don’t know if that is true or not, I just installed 12.6.3 directly.

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thx, deleted.
i had thought it would be better camouflaged :grimacing:

annoying enough that it will always come back like an influenza or a bad habit.
apple must be crazy to pester their customers like that.

btw Holsten Knight suffers from the “links don’t function any more” bug since updating to iOS 11. you can imagine how p#$$€& he is.