Terraforming Mars players wanted

Drafting is antithetical to everything I stand for. Molding a corp out of a random grab bag of cards is what the game is all about.


Iā€™ll play any way, but I agree with this.

Iā€™m half-kidding but I honestly am opposed to it. My group started drafting in lockdown and Iā€™m still trying to purge their peversion. Drafting is popular, but not for me.

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a word of warning: playing draft will prolong the game enormously.
think itā€™s ok at the boardgame table, but it kind of kills all gameflow in the app.

been there, done it twice, but donā€™t want to do it again.


Ah yes, fair point. Especially if itā€™s like card purchase and the app makes you go in turn order even though thereā€™s absolutely no need :smirk:

The iOS app updated again, so hereā€™s my usual reminder that youā€™ve probably been signed out of the game and will need to sign back in before you get notifications.

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I appear to have broken the game. I updated the app and iOS and now I canā€™t join - the app just hangs on the ā€œPlanet in Sightā€ screen. Any suggestions? :neutral_face:

I have the same problemā€¦

I just checked and mine hangs there, too.

has been one of those game-breaking updates again.

Yup, stuck too

Bollocks. I guess we shouldnā€™t expect anything better from Asmodee.

I also donā€™t remember anything in the update description saying complete current games before applying the update.

I would like to restart as it was an interesting game. Everyone else up for trying again?


As you all no doubt suspect ā€¦ it is possible that the games are alive and well on the server and ā€œjustā€ cannot be accessed. There was an earlier update that made one of my games unavailable - but a later update restored access. So current games may not be lost forever. Possibly.

It would be mildly interesting to know whether new games can be accessed once started. Meanwhile I obviously hope that there is a fix on the way and that any delay is caused by Thanksgiving holidays.

Infuriating as I was enjoying that game and still have access.

Definitely up for another.

Actually felt good about that oneā€¦ count me in again

Iā€m in

Cool. @Mirefox- are you in for a restart too?


Sorry everyone - ignore the first invitation, I screwed up the game settings. The second one should be right.

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I just finished a game of Lords of Waterdeep. I got a notification for the end of the game but when I want into the lobby there was no game available to view (because it had ended). However, Waterdeep has a list of completed games that you can click on to view, so you are able to check the final scoring that way. This is perhaps not ideal, but it is a solution, and one that this game could use. Why not hold on to a game to be viewable for a week after completion or something?