Terraforming Mars players wanted

Volunteer :grinning:

Ah, do I infer our game is toast?

Will volunteer if my current game is dead as suspected :blush:

Yes, itā€™s a goner Iā€™m afraid :flushed:

:surprised face:

How do I add friends again? I swear this changes every patchā€¦

Go through edit your profile which takes you to the Asmodee website, as a ploy to make you appreciate DigiDice more.

I can start a game as I think Iā€™ve played everyone at TfM and have you all as friends.

So, base map, Prelude, Venus good for everyone?


Count me in if thereā€™s space, seeing as our game is dead.

Happy to go!

Set up one with @SpiceTheCat and @JMH.75

I will gladly join any you set up Spice!

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I accepted and the game promptly froze. Awesome. Force-closed it and reopened and things seem to have worked.image0

Note my old game with @Caradog and @OhBollox is there, pointlessly. If you tap on it you get a ā€œthis game is fuckedā€ message. Thanks for the epitaph, I guess.

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Updated app runs like shit for me. Outstanding work.

So far I have; needing to be force-closed to reconnect, occasional CTDs on start-up, ghost cards, and a random error message when you look at the game end state. The AI also doesnā€™t seem to know what to do with the Venus cards. Quality work.



Will everyone stop fucking updating.

You can get around it. Click on game details -> resume

It opens the game and you can take the action

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My favourite line from the current change log. Yeah, one of the corpā€˜s powers is broken. We havenā€™t fixed it. Donā€™t use that.

Quite apart from the instability, there are other bugs Iā€™ve seen playing against the AI - the player getting +1 TR for the Solar Phase, being able to use one VN action multiple times - so I guess weā€™re going to see more tinkering.

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gg! I was lucky to get the large economy to be able to burn through the cards and build up VPs

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Good game! Kind of amazed we made it through 16 generations without the whole thing breaking :smirk:

Edit. Going to update now, not that I expect this to be any more stableā€¦

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Iā€™ve been playing the heck out the game vs the Ai, itā€™s been stable, reliable, the obvious rule errors that Iā€™d seen have gone. Iā€™ve got a lot of play out of it.


Yeah, just updated to the 19 December patch and the game soft locks in gen 1 at the latest, and quite often in the corp selection screen. Itā€™s found a new level of actively unusable.

Is anyone actually testing this stuff before punting it onto the App Store?

Been trying to play versus AI lately and while the app loads a new game, it simply does not save. It will not resume from last save. It resumes from game beginning / corp selection. Unbelievable.

I completely agree, this latest version is a new level of unusable. Very unbelievable in fact. Unsave-able games versus AI, and this was not ā€œtestedā€ before release!?

Anyone else also?

Edit: Ok, just tested again, and itā€™s now savingā€¦what the heck!?
I did not update the up, as it was already up to date. I wonder if thereā€™s something server side they did, but that indicates this game requires internet access, which I didnā€™t think it did for AI. Very Wierd. Will play some more later to see.

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