Terraforming Mars players wanted

Ok, look. I know we are into the definition of insanity stage now, but would anyone like a game?

I’ve been playing the AI a lot and ran into one bug - the world map kind of freezes and won’t let you place a tile - but force-closing unjammed that. Otherwise, it seems ok … maybe…

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Enough frustration in my life rn without adding TfM to the mix lol

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Masochist, checking in.


Notes for next version. Last bullet point could be good. Second one is a worry for games in progress … but maybe aimed at stopping online session games starting with different clients. We shall see …


Seeing final scores… might be possible if you get to the end of the game :wink:


Count me in, let’s go round again


We’re off.

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Venus expansion just dropped on Steam, unsure about iOS. Bought it cause I’m ever the optimist (ed: sucker). $6.99.


Ooh. Yes, there it is on the App Store too. With an update. Hm /looks nervously at current game.

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Pick me for a trial!

Will do! I’m just nervous about updating while my game with @OhBollox and @Caradog is still running (Gen 7 so heading into the late game). Unless either of you have already updated and the game is fine?

Nope. Not again.

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iPad updated automatically and existing games have vanished as usual… (still playing our game on phone instead)

Did they ever add the final score for everyone?

We will never know if they continue to prevent games finishing … :nerd_face:

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I applaud the plan B. I’m tempted to do the same except I don’t want to give Twin Sails more money. Well, obvs I’ll buy Venus Next when our game is done.

We’re on Gen 8, albeit a bit lax at pushing the terraforming tracks, so we’ll find out soonish.

Uh…looks like I changed the update settings too late. Have I been replaced by a bot?

Not obviously. When I log in, it’s still you.

Okay, any victims / volunteers for the Venus map?

Need two fine soldiers to forge forward…