Stately Play Perpetual Multi-game Ladder

I guess send a new invite? It looks like we have 2 players in red. FWIW I updated an it didn’t time me out.

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Based on the update description, it doesn’t look like it would break existing online games.

Please just start your table again - and maybe create a private message thread to nudge each other before timeout happens?

Either way, do what you can to remember to check the game once a day - and that’s a note for all players! :blush:

Thanks for your patience, everyone!

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@SpiceTheCat @jason1002 @johnl

I started a private thread and new Roll Player game

code = tyfuin

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Joined and edited my nym this time.

Invite timed out, wasn’t started in time after everyone entered.

I just started it now. I think we’re good


Table 1 complete - GG all and congrats to @Hardco who is empirically an Obnoxious Maniac… :rofl:


First time playing the game, but right out of the gates the Obnoxious trait seemed like something that could be pretty abuseable. So I went all in on it and it paid off! Good game everyone!


Yes, in fairness, I wanted to be Obnoxious - you just beat me to it! :wink:

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Gg all, well played. Thought I was doing pretty well but clearly not as well as everyone else. Fun game.

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GG! Looks like we lost a couple in time outs….


Yeah, I timed out super early and was never sure why–thought I checked the game regularly at the beginning–but I wasn’t gonna complain. Congrats on the win!

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You should have complained! :blush: Restart was certainly possible, but I’m assuming a complete rematch is not palatable/fair at this point. Let me know if you feel differently.

Those little red icon badges are so, so nice, and the most easily available reminder that I have turns waiting for me. I find it baffling that some games don’t have them. Do you have to pay Apple more to include them or something?


No, just extra dev time specifically for iOS. As I recall, you don’t need to be integrated with Game Center even, just hooked into the notifications SDK for iOS. Another one of those things that makes me scratch my head a bit too when an app doesn’t have it. :man_shrugging:


Agree 100%. Always happy to play more Roll Player just for fun, but the ladder game result is good as-is.

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Just checking in after a month or so… how are the last two tables going?

Whoops, Table 6 has been finished for a week or so but never reported. I don’t have Role Player on this device so I can’t check in. So any of you other guys have the scores? Otherwise I can go look tomorrow.

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5 rounds left for table 3.

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We finished, assumed the winner would post the scores. @whovian223 won, I took second, and I’m not sure what the remaining order was or what the scores were.